Terrier Club
Photo Calendar

Photo Calendar
Terrier Club Sign
Brighten your day with our printable color photo Calendar!
Each month, we're featuring one of our favorite member photos on a custom calendar page that you can print directly from your browser. Collect them all and enjoy a full year of Terrier fun!

Click on the links below to view and print the current and upcoming calendar pages (when available). Each will open in a separate browser window on a plain white background so you can easily print direct to a laser or ink-jet printer. With some browsers, you can select "File -> Print Preview" to preview the page before actually printing. You may need to trim the top and bottom of the printed page to remove the URL information.

February 2025
March 2025
This Month
Sample Calendar
Prints to fit on standard letter-size paper

YOU can be on next month's calendar!

Send us for your favorite photo for consideration. You must be a Terrier Club member and photos that are seasonal have the best chance of being selected.

Submissions for next month's calendar page must be received no later than the 15th of the current month. Be sure to include your terrier's name and location (city, state, or country) in the subject line. Email your photo to us at
Calendar Photos. Please do not send image files larger than 1 MB. The Terrier Club reserves the right to accept or reject any photo.

Feeling creative? Make your own!

Do you have a favorite photo of your own? Perhaps one from our Front Page or Member Photo Albums that you'd love to enjoy every day of this month?

It's easy to customize the TC photo calendar! Just fill in the boxes below with the image URL and your own caption. The photo must be somewhere on our site or on the web.
For best results the photo should be no larger than the following pixel dimensions:

Width: 500 pixels or less
Height: 275 pixels or less
Create your own Calendar
( For )
Photo URL:

(MUST BEGIN WITH "http://" AND END WITH ".jpg")
If the photo is too large, just click on either the "Limit Width" or "Limit Height" boxes below to downsize for the calendar. Feel free to experiment!
Fix Dimension:
Limit Width to 500 pixels
Limit Height to 275 pixels



