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Topic: First Aid
From: Mhairi
Residence: Scotland UK
Date: July 14, 2015 at 10:47

Hi there is it okay to give you're dog chicken and rice twice a day?? Some people have said That rice bloats a dogs tummy and I don't know what to believe as my molly has been on a diet of chicken and rice for about 3 months now

Topic: Tips - Grooming
From: Neiko
Residence: WA
Date: May 10, 2015 at 04:13

But I have a problem there is an area on my back that gets oily! It happens all the time so please help me.
I eat grain free, been to the vet numerous times, but it still returns. If you don't know the answer maybe you can direct me where we can get this problem solved. Thanks so much!

Topic: Rescue Volunteer
From: stefanov
Residence: deutschland wismar norden
Date: June 06, 2012 at 05:00

Ich bin bereit einen Cairn oder Westie in Not aufzunehmen habe Platz und die Zeit da Früh Rentnerin ich bin. Würde mich freuen.

Topic: First Aid
From: sharon/emmy-lou
Residence: usa, michigan
Date: January 24, 2011 at 10:14

Our Westie has had the same issue... Vet said cortisone cream is a good treatment. I have also used a wee spot of neosporin after washing the area and seem to help. (Doesn't help when they scoot on the brick pavers!!OUCH!) Sharon and Emmy

Topic: First Aid
From: Vickie Riley
Residence: 442 Wesley church Rd.
Date: June 19, 2010 at 16:07

info on frontline

Topic: First Aid
From: terri
Residence: Richardson, TX
Date: May 31, 2010 at 12:55

Please visit my website www.cheapfrontlineplus.com
for detailed information on Frontline Plus.
You can purchase Frontline Plus here at a reasonable price of $21.00
Your dog WILL appreciate it too!
Thank you,

Topic: Tips - Grooming
From: Dr Chets
Residence: Australia
Date: October 16, 2009 at 18:29

Dr Chets - Herbal Mineral Cream is a unique, superior product harnessing the wonderful ingredient Sea Minerals


Topic: Tips - Grooming
From: Dr Chets
Residence: Australia
Date: October 16, 2009 at 18:28

Dr Chets ScentSation fragrance is refreshing, detangler and is an odour eliminator. With the added benefits of aloe vera & coconut ,4 pets


Topic: First Aid
From: Dr Chets
Residence: Australia
Date: October 16, 2009 at 18:26

Dr Chets Herbal Mineral Cream is Brimming with an abundant amount of Essential Oils. Maintaining a healthy skin 4 paw friends


Topic: Tips - Grooming
From: Dr Chets
Residence: Australia
Date: October 16, 2009 at 18:23

Dr Chets Medicated Shampoo is formulated to deliver a shiny,silky,clean & tangle free,flea free coat !

Topic: First Aid
From: Dr Chets
Residence: Australia
Date: October 16, 2009 at 18:21

Dr Chets Medicated Shampoo is formulated to deliver a shiny,silky,clean & tangle free, flea free coat

Topic: First Aid
From: Dr Chets
Residence: Australia
Date: October 16, 2009 at 18:21

Dr Chets Medicated Shampoo is formulated to deliver a shiny,silky,clean & tangle free, flea free coat

Topic: Tips - Grooming
From: Dr Chets
Residence: Australia
Date: October 16, 2009 at 18:16

Dr Chets has a new product - Herbal Mineral Cream- soon to be posted on our website www.drchets.com.au. Great for paw itchy problems

Topic: Tips - Grooming
From: Dr Chets
Residence: Australia
Date: October 16, 2009 at 18:13

Just letting everyone know that we have a website now. www.drchets.com.au. We can also be found on Twitter and Facebook.

Kind Regards
Dr Chets

Topic: First Aid
From: Mister Beasley
Residence: New Jersey
Date: October 16, 2008 at 17:58

So what happened with Boomer? Did he have worms or was it the "gland" thing. Must have had some whipworms or something..ya think?

Topic: First Aid
From: Boomer's Mom
Residence: Scottsdale AZ
Date: September 14, 2008 at 20:11

Boomer's been boot scooting lately and he now has a red, raw area on his tail just above the anus. Is it ok to put antibiotic ointment on our little guys? What about hydrocortisone cream? (till I can get him to his doctor tomorrow)

Topic: Tips - Grooming
From: Debbie
Residence: torrington wyoming
Date: January 23, 2008 at 10:50

i need some help! my carin terrie is 1 yr old. and he sheds like no other can anyone help me?

Topic: First Aid
From: josh davies
Residence: britan
Date: December 07, 2007 at 09:14

my dogs hair grows fast and he eats a lot of food am i feeding him right

Topic: Medicines and Vets
From: Mister Beasley
Residence: New jersey
Date: November 26, 2007 at 21:41

It may seem expensive but pet insurance comes in handy with these breeds. Key is to make sure you send in the paperwork and know what is covered. Mister Beasley may have to go and get a job he is very expensive. But if I did not have the insurance I bet it would be impossible to keep his health up.

Topic: Rescue Volunteer
From: Dana
Residence: Redding CA
Date: June 23, 2007 at 23:20

I am looking to adopt a female caire or a westie If you would like more info on me use e-mail.
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