Emma's Guest Book
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emma - 10/16/13 at 17:15 if you say yolo a kitten dies
deborah dill - 08/01/13 at 18:45 I just posted. Meant to type ear infections (not eye)
deborah dill - 08/01/13 at 18:41 Help!! My 11 yr old westie has severe skin problems, eye infections which won't clear up. Currently on Atopic and yeast meds for 3 yrs. Not much help. Have been using special food containing fish. Can anyone give me suggestions as to what I can do? At my wit's end.
Selena Gomez - 04/12/13 at 11:03 Hi Emma how are you??
Rocky - 02/01/11 at 08:48 hello emma(pretty girl) chat with me any time of that website
Mister Beasley - 04/30/10 at 22:49 I sure love ya Emma! You were a hard Sugar Pie to beat in the contest. But Emma, I think I am in love!
Emma T. - 02/27/10 at 13:14 I need all there is to know about Westies (west highland terrier) before I can adopt one!!! - Thanks! (^._.^)
Marcus - 12/10/09 at 22:59 Nice guest book...............
jessie2833 - 07/28/09 at 07:05 my westie 13 weeks old suddenly off food with very noisy tummy. is on antibiotics for giardia nearly finished them. very unlike her usually scoffs her food in seconds any ideas?
rev Paul Whitehead - 04/27/09 at 03:51 I was able to view all of your website, I was very impressed how you had itemized all the information. - revpaulwhitehead@gmail.com
Raina - 01/15/09 at 04:05 Hi my dog had that same rash its because of a plant so i'd check with your vet. also i need help my dog Teddy is now nipping people and i need to know how to stop it help me please?
Shirley - 12/25/08 at 20:44 MY Ralphie is 6 yrs old, he's a westie. Lately he's losing hair on his legs and he stays red a lot. What can I do about that. I use cortizone to keep him from itching..someone help...
butch mcque - 11/15/08 at 08:41 looking for info on westie skin rash tried every thing just keeps coming back
Eva - 10/30/08 at 10:27 Hi. Im just here cuz I like animals. And It makes me happy to know there are so many in the world!!!!!
Raina falloon - 10/26/08 at 00:27 My puppies grown up now and isn't doing his business inside. hes got a new interest ripping the clothes off the clothesline and hes gotta stop help meeeeeeeeeee
John Osborn - 09/01/08 at 17:35 I am almost 80 and I love animals, they love me too and I cry when I see an animal that is hurt
Yo - 08/20/08 at 01:42 Its hard when pets die even when a pet fish dies i had a fish and it died so we flushed it down the toilet so yea.
Cythia - 08/01/08 at 19:05 My per fish died
Jeremiah - 08/01/08 at 19:04 I have a scottish terrier and he farts alot HA HA HA oh originally I am from Scotland. But now livin in D.C I am white though hee hee and only 20 JERERMY
Kimberly - 08/01/08 at 19:03 Hey Im 17. And I have a hamster. Somehow it always gets loose. I know its not my lil brother cuz hes only 4. And hes good bout stuff in the house. Should I put extra locks on the cage????????????????
Eva - 07/20/08 at 15:57 My dog is very well trained. Hes half pit half lab. Hes 8 yrs old. I was wondering. How much attention does he need? Should I play with him alot like I did when he was a puppy?
Raina - 07/08/08 at 05:02 Hi my names Raina i am 12 and i desperately need help i would have put this in the chat room but i can't my dog pees every where hes 12 weeks and i am sick of cleaning it up i love him but ITS ANNOYING please help me
prince - 07/04/08 at 12:26 I have lovely hand raised baby monkey for adoption.They are vaccinated and vet checked.They are in the best of health conditions,And very healthy, With all registration papers,Adoption papers,health records,one year health guarantee,toys,diapers and bottles,They are home raised and hand fed in my
Emma - 06/03/08 at 11:39 Hey I looove your pics, they are sooo cute
Amy - 05/07/08 at 13:34 We have a two year old Cairn Terrier who is a great little guy. He barks too much but we got the citronella coller and it has helped. We are moving to Hawaii and I am really nervous about taking him on the plane as he will have to travel in the luggage compartment. Does anyone have any stories???
scrapz - 03/10/08 at 07:32 just been to the vets they took a skin scrap from my pup they think he got a skin problem can you recommed a treatment for him so i dont have to keep going to the vets because they cost to much money all the time.
Jason Aexel - 12/13/07 at 23:20 I am looking to adopt a brindle, male cairn terrier that is good with kids. Jason
sarina - 10/02/07 at 21:13 i'm still looking for a male purebreed not nudured so my zoe girl can have puppys ,so does eneyone know where is a good place to look for male dogs(westies)
sarina - 09/18/07 at 14:22 I have a 2 year old girl westie named zoe and we are looking for a boy westie to bread with .
diane edwards - 08/08/07 at 01:19 love this site!!! have a mix breed, sweet girl. want to know if there is a site for people like me. i have the answer to several questions ( barking)or bad behavior, put several pennys in a pop can , tape over the top & shake HARD once. add a firm NO,& your dog will behave.
Raina - 07/27/07 at 01:47 To Norma i am 11 years old and your dog is just a bit weary try and let your husband take him for a walk and spend time togther and get your dog with u togther on the couch.
Raina - 07/27/07 at 01:35 Hi everyone i was wondering how to become a memeber and i can spell but properly.
Raina - 07/27/07 at 01:29 Hi my names Raina and i have a jack russel terrier and he is so cute bute he bites! do u have an opion to prevent this
Katie and mommie, Leslie. - 07/11/07 at 20:03 Dear Emma, I am so glad you are my friend! You are so sweet, nice and such a pretty little girl. Love, Katie xxoo
ddd - 07/08/07 at 03:03 javascript:alert('Hello, World');
Jinney - 07/07/07 at 20:18 I hope this is right page to ask my question.My dog is carian terrior 7 months old.He is my first dog in my life.His weight is 16lb 4oz.I wanted to know does he has right weight? What I knowing Carian Terrior weight average 12-15lb.Is my dog is over weight? Thank you for spend time.
westie CRAZY (Saskia 10 yrs old) - 06/10/07 at 11:25 Hi your westie is sooooooo sweet, I have a westie called Archie who thinks he can talk!!!
Linda K. - 06/09/07 at 22:47 Found this website thru Google when looking for help with my Cairn Terrier, Fergus.
ramona - 06/08/07 at 16:34 i added my email and here is my website ttrkennels.com
ramona - 06/08/07 at 16:30 i have 3 cairn terriers that i need to get rid of. do you know anyone that might want them? they are in oklahoma
John - 03/20/07 at 13:16 Can we put westie pix on your site. Its a really nice site. Westies are very popular in ireland
xavierscott - 12/13/06 at 19:13 HIE
Lester Watkins - 09/05/06 at 21:56 Emma makes me want a Westie. I have a carin who is cute but not as sweet as Emma.
sushma - 07/13/06 at 10:31 emma, you are so cute,I have fallen in love with you .I have a red setter, a golden retriever and a german shepherd.now I have to get a terrier just like you.
sajal gupta - 07/13/06 at 08:20 hi, emma you are the most beautiful girl in the whole world. my name is sajal gupta from india. in your holidays you should come in india. please say my name into media so i should come to recieve you.
Michael & Daniel - 06/24/06 at 21:14 We plan to travel often to China and want to take a dog. We want to get a carian terrier. Does anyone know about traveling this far with a dog. AA said it cannot be done, but we saw a women in China with a dog that came from here.
Shannon - 06/15/06 at 14:05 HI, o my gosh, your web page is so cute and helpful. i love the backgrounds. Everything is cute, espesially EMMA. she is a beutiful westie.
cammie - 06/05/06 at 20:59 new to the room ready to give and recive advice when able!
samantha - 06/05/06 at 13:23 you are so awsome
Laura High - 05/26/06 at 13:30 B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L DOG!!
David & Lisa - 05/15/06 at 22:51 where do you get the westie groomed? We live in Cincinati also