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my poor pup - marina06/21/07 at 08:02 sorry about the typing have just had opp on my hand so a bit sore
my poor pup - marina06/21/07 at 07:59 my pup has been on steroyeds and all sorts under the vet for itchy skin. her ears gets so sore and also around her mouth. i have tryed changing food and al sorts any one have any comments to share. have thorght about giving her just wajt we eat to see if that would help.
8 yr. old with potty problems - Linda 06/09/07 at 22:42 Any suggestions regarding this? No problems until 6 months ago. Only change is a move to another home. He may leave 3 puddles within 1 hr. of being taken out. Vet states no bladder/kidney disease or problems they can find. I'm at my wits end! Help!
BARKING NON STOP - Emmy 06/08/07 at 21:53 Help my 13 week old westie bars constanly 3:00 in the mornig im awake hely me tips WANted
small bump behind front teeth on roof of - marcy.roney 04/08/07 at 11:21 Has anyone ever seen a small bump like a pimple right behind the front teeth on the roof of the mouth? I have a Westie. Thanks.
- small bump behind front teeth on roof of - Mr. Joe in the know
04/14/07 at 23:17 You have a frenum between your 2 top front teeth. if this becomes inflamed it will swell and you will feel the bump and it could be sore. Hot salt water rinse should help the swelling go down. Nothing to worry about.
small bump behind front teeth on roof of - marcy.roney 04/07/07 at 14:06 Has anyone ever seen a small bump like a pimple right behind the front teeth on the roof of the mouth? I have a Westie. Thanks.
my jackrussel - deb 04/01/07 at 13:21 i have a jackrussel named ozzy he is a real good dog iam having a hard time getting him to stop barking what can i do to get him to stop please help me
- my jackrussel - Joe in the know
04/14/07 at 23:19 See your Vet. There is a collar that can be purchased that will shock him if he barks. THey will learn very fast.
started being a pig 5 mo. ago 12 yrs o - sparky 01/16/07 at 17:34 not only would eat constantly if I let him. turns over trash to get it. eats others food, eats cat feces, eats his own. please help
- started being a pig 5 mo. ago 12 yrs o - jade
06/22/07 at 08:49 hi looking for a boy firend 11 /girl/uk
Rottie burping up water - dyoung10/02/06 at 19:18 My rottie is drinking lots of water and when he get up he is burping up water. He is not eating well either
Golden Retriever Puppy ( 11 wks) - ron 09/16/06 at 14:23 puppy has worms and vet gave us a powder medication to put with her food. She enjoys her food but when we moisten it slightly and sprinkle on the medicine she refuses to eat - any advice would be appreciated.
- Golden Retriever Puppy ( 11 wks) - Joe in the know
04/14/07 at 23:22 Take the medicine and mix it with peanut butter on a cracker. Works every time.
sick dog - tparker 09/09/06 at 21:38 what can cause a dog to continously throes up?
- sick dog - Westie CRAZY 06/10/07 at 11:21
 Sometimes when they eat food really fast
- sick dog - shannon 11/16/06 at 17:52

old pal - Missy 08/07/06 at 22:44 I used to have a dog named Trixy. She was a coccer spaniel. Are nabors poisend her. She was so ill that we had to put her down.
SICK?! - Shannon07/26/06 at 15:04 My dog is a 2 year old westie and for the past couple of days he has been throwing up. Once I know is because he didnt eat, but today he threw up and I know that he ate. Is he sick, or is this just allergies or somting?
- SICK?! - Westie CRAZY!! 06/10/07 at 11:15
 sometimes dogs puke when they scoff down food extra fast- its nothing to wrorry about
- SICK?! - John
03/20/07 at 13:13 I have two westies, also 2 years old here in Dublin Ireland. they eat everything, please feel his stomach for swelling, he may have eaten somthing thats blocking his stomach. Dont worry, they can help, but you have to see the vet!
Skin rash - May 07/17/06 at 17:33 I have a Westie and he has a skin rash on his arms and legs... now he is on Non-preservative dog food. do you have any suggestions or has this happen to you and if so how did you get rid of it?
- Skin rash - Shannon 07/26/06 at 15:09
 My dog had almost the same problem. If you go to the vet they have a medicine that maks it not itch, but it is most likly the food that he has alergies to causing it. So go to the vet and see what they say would be the best thing to do.
RE:gina - reginer and nic annon 4 life 07/14/06 at 11:54
My cairn terrier - Diane 06/24/06 at 21:49 Please help me, I have been very overwhelmed with my terrier's skin problems. I have been to the vet numerous times and have tried everything. Is there anyone who has a terrier and has had the dog constantly chewing on his paws and legs and losing all his hair.
- My cairn terrier - deb
04/01/07 at 13:26 i have a jackrussel he was chewing his paws last summer it was realy bad we took him to the vets they told us to get benedryl and give him a childs dose they saide he has alergies to pollen let me no
- My cairn terrier - Shannon 07/26/06 at 15:10
 Did you change his food? Cause a lot of skin problems are caused by allergies from their food.
- My cairn terrier - Linda 06/28/06 at 15:07
 I know you must be pretty desperate by now! It looks like your dog has the same problem my Cairn Terrier had one year ago: he was licking his paws constantly, lost hair, his skin became black in color and had an unpleasant smell, and he was bothered by an enormous itch, which made him lifeless, without energy. It drove my dog and me crazy, believe me. After much search I finally found the solution. I put him on special foor (Sensitivity Control by Royal Canin). This food contains only fish and tapioca. I took him to the vet first, who gave him a shot to relieve his terrible itch. From then on, I fed him only Sensitivity Control. Lo and behold, within two weeks his energy came back, the itch was gone permenently, his hair grew back and he became a lively and healthy Cairn Terrier again. I had almost given up on him, he really was in very bad shape. So it was most likely a food allergy. Try to find this special food (or something like it, if you can't get this brand where you live, for example anti-allergy food). Don't buy it in the store, get it from your vet to make sure you get really good food. Feed your dog only this food (if you want to give him a treat, also give him a little bit of this food). If you feed him anything else besides this, you'll never get rid of the problem. Your dog will probably like the food, it has a good taste.
question - nicole 06/18/06 at 07:33 My dog has skin allergys what can i do for him??
- question - Shannon 08/04/06 at 14:50
 If he is allergic to food, make sure he doesnt have access to that food. Then, maybe, you can go to the vet for a professionals opinion, and they might give you some pills or somthing to help. Hope this helps you though.
dog allergys - nicole 06/18/06 at 07:26 Is there any thing that can cure my dog becides tablets every day?
Hair - Shannon06/14/06 at 20:26 my dog is only 2 and is a westie, and he is just gettingwirery hair. I dont think it is a bad thing, i am just wondering if that is normal or not. If it isn't, then what would cause it(if u know) thanks
- Hair - Lori 06/28/06 at 11:31
 Yes your Westie is meant to have wirey hair. Perhaps getting a good Westie book would be a good idea. A westie is supposed to have a soft undercoat and a top coat of harsh wirey hair.
- Hair - Shannon 07/26/06 at 15:07
 Update... Toby now doesnt have a wiry coat, is their suh things as non-wiry westies?
SKIN PROBLEMS - Shannon06/14/06 at 20:23 my 2 year old westie has a spot on him, but he is fine, and it looks like a scab. Should i be worried or is thgis something to worry about
baby kittys - cammie 06/05/06 at 20:58 if any body has baby cats rember to not feed them COW'S MILK. my little guy has worms very bad! the lady i got him from was feeding him milk and that is bad for cats. if they do get worms get your kitty to the vet ASAP and get med. for them they can start to loose weight. and can be a helth hazzard.
baby kitty - cammie 06/05/06 at 20:47 i have a 6 week old male kitty i took him to the vet today we thought he had distemper. but did not he has a bad infection enternaly i guess they sent me home with 2 antibotics but at night he gets realy sick puckes and has diariea. he has lost 2oz of his 1lb 2oz body weight.any sugestions?
- hot babes - Jacob 03/11/07 at 10:05

Dog balks at leash - Laura 05/04/06 at 10:37 I recently adopted a 12 year old female westie (our second adopted Westie). Her only issue is that there are times when she refuses to move forward on her leash (she sits down and gives me that westie look). Because of her age I want to be gentle and not tug. Any suggestions?
what causes a dog to eat her puppies - henryh 05/03/06 at 06:59 my jack russell bitch has just had a litter of 4 puppies. she eat 2 of them and the other 2 died.
- what causes a dog to eat her puppies - CAMMIE
Westies - Should they eat Beef - Pippa 04/29/06 at 14:47 Hi. I have a 12 week old Westie. We have been advised not to feed him beef as this can cause Westies to have bad skin, does anyone else agree or disagree?? Any advice greatful.
- Westies - Should they eat Beef - Gerry
04/30/06 at 20:57 I have been in correspondence with a Westie rescue group because a Westie found his way to our house in the country last Saturday. They and everything I've been able to find recommends a Holistic food for the best coat and skin. They are very succeptible to skin problems. I am feeding him and my mini poodle Solid Gold with lamb and rice. The rescue lady told me that flour or corn is prone to cause problems. I have read that Malessezia, a skin yeast infection is more prevelent now. Feed him lamb and rice. You have a great little dog. Go to this site for more information. http://www.westieclubamerica.com/sitemap.html
my cat max - christine 04/29/06 at 13:28 my cat is very sick what should i do?
- my cat max - cammie
06/05/06 at 20:51 have you taken him to the vet? is he eating on his own? what is he doing? my 2 yr old kitty got sick for 3 days and would not eat i had to make her food into puree and suringe it in to her mouth. if he is not eating you need to do this. that is the #1 people dont think of with pets. is to feed them when they are sick.