Greetings and Salutations! Welcome to my home page. My name is Doogie and I will be your host on this great and wonderful tour of my life. My full name is Doogie of Lyons and I am a West Highland White Terrier. I am almost 6 years old and so far, I am leading quite a Terrierific life.I weigh in at 29 pounds. I am not fat, just a big guy for my breed.
What I look like now on any average given day.
A bit of history
Mom and Dad named me Doogie of Lyons because Doogie is a sweet and whimsical name and because we live in Lyons, Illinois. I live in a house with a very big yard that I love to run around in like crazy.
My 8 week old picture
My family
Mom and Dad take great care of me, and about a year ago, they even brought home a little brother for me. His name is Cricket and he is a Cairn Terrier. Cricket is my best friend (besides Mom and Dad). Cricket REALLY understands me! We play together and run together and have a great time. Some of my other best friends include My Big Sister Heather, who is a teacher of young humans, and her two cats, Pumbaa and MiloQ. Wherever did she get those names?
My handsome pose!
My Favorite Things
I just love to go for walks on a string with Dad and Cricket. We go every single day. Aren't I lucky? I really like to run around in the yard too! I like to chew on sqeaky things and play tug-o-war with Cricket. He's so goofy! We like to chase squirrels, birds, and rabbits. Sometimes Cricket catches things and brings them to Mom and Dad to show how skillful a hunter he is!
Chasin Critters!
Holiday Wishes For You
Doogie would like to thank The Terrier Club for the past years he has been a member. Things around here sure have grown!.Lot's of pleasure and joy are a part of belonging here!
To the many other members and visitors........Doogie and his family wish you all a happy and healthy coming new year. We will stick around here for a long time to come, and we hope the rest of you will too!
Copyright © 2001 www.terrierclub.com Gold Member 5/21/01 |