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2 yr old westie who is biting - Susan Orel 12/23/06 at 17:38 I have two westies, a 6 year old female and a 2 year old male. Max, the male is smaller than the female. He has always been scared of loud noises and funny things like pizza boxes and cardboard boxes. Now, though, he has started to bite when scared and gets out of control. any ideas?
- 2 yr old westie who is biting - Monique 10/26/07 at 18:37
 hey! I'm a dog lover too! It's probably sumthing that happened when he was born. or maybe inner instincs. Don't worry he'll probably get over it sooner or later.Dogs can be really skittish sometimes especially when young. i'm no pro on dogs but that's my advice
liver shunt - Rascal Krueger 03/11/06 at 07:02 I'am a four year old westie who just recently had a surgery to correct a liver shunt. I had this surgery at the University vet. hopital in Madison Wi,Dr. Schmidt and Dr. Maria Faria along with future DVM Carrie Moore. Did an excellent job of taiking care of me.
- liver shunt - Rascal Krueger
11/09/09 at 04:01 It has been 3.5 years since rascal had his liver shunt operation and he is doing great. He makes us laugh every day, He is a good little dog.
- liver shunt - Happy's Mom 08/26/06 at 00:04
 Doogie, Doogie, Doogie... I hope you wagged your tail nice for the wonderrrrful receptionists and appointment schedulers at the UW Vet School. Those are just the nicest people and though they take your masters money, they really love doggies and kitties and work hard to keep the facility running well. They even find "lost" charts even when growly veterinarians snap at them! Some veterinarian are really nice to animals but not to their own work staff, others, of course are wonderful to everyone! Thanks for the memories Doogie! It's great that UW Vet Med is there when you need 'em! Have a wonderful recovery. You look like a very fetching young man! Love your site!
- liver shunt - Rascal Krueger
04/06/06 at 07:06 It's pretty near a month now and I still feel pretty good after my operation for a liver shunt. My hair is growing back. Also My owner Cheryl Krueger takes really good care of me.. She's the best mom ever.. Rascal Krueger
- liver shunt - kelly
12/21/07 at 22:18 My son's beloved little yorkie was diagnoised today with a liver shunt, how much did it cost to have the surgery done and what is the prognosis after surgery?
- liver shunt - Rascal Krueger
11/09/09 at 04:06 About $2,500.00 - his blood work remains normal and he is as lively as ever and going on eight years old.
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