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Life with Louie, Mattie, Zoey and Alley
Home at the White House

Click to see larger photo Hi Im MATTIE

Hi Im Mattie and this is picture is from my 1 year Birthday party!! It was a blast. Mom will add more photos so you can see the theme she did in decorating.
Im the reason Mom got into Rescue. Yes me...my attitude as a puppy was pretty rotten and Mom kept searching for answers. And now She Rocks in the Rescue world.
Great Party MOM


After 6 months with Mattie then came LOUIE :) he was an owner release and only 6 months apart from Mattie. He is a fish at heart... he loves water and loves to swim every chance he gets. Here he is cooling himself off in the pool. He is the sweets little guy until it comes to chasing the horses next door, that is along the fence line...up and down up and down.. He teaches all the foster dogs these bad habits too.
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Chilling out

Click to see larger photo THEN CAME ZOEY!!

Hi Im Zoey and My Mom saved me from a puppy mill she closed down all by herself. She found me by Louies paperwork that came with him. Louie was born were in the awful placed I lived. Mom's whole Story is on the rescue website. www.westierescueofmissouri.com
She wasn't with Rescue at the time of getting all of us free from that horrible place. I was saved on Good Friday. So Easter even has a more special place in Mom's heart.
Im so Happy... Im chewing on a carrot while Mom feds the horses theres.

And then there is Alley!!

Alley is a Mill release also. She nearly died several times as a puppy only weighing 3 pds and 3 months old and covered in demodex. Well now she is going strong and well thousands of dollars later..LOL But she has been worth every dime.
We call her our little Scottie monster :)
Click to see larger photo
Mom she's in MY BED!!

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