Gus and Fiona's Gossip Page
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greetings - edwin garcia 06/18/07 at 20:46
hi - zarra llanto 06/03/07 at 07:14
hi - zarra llanto 06/03/07 at 07:13
greetings - jimmy 12/20/06 at 21:41![Reply]( hi feona good morning po!im ur new frnd her in philippines...pls reply my ym her....jim_23gin dtas my id in yahoo
hi - mado 11/20/06 at 09:15
Welcome new Gold Member! - The Terrier Club 05/03/03 at 16:39![Reply]( The Terrier Club welcomes Gus and Fiona as a new Gold Member of the club. Your personal website is now activated and you can add or edit all of the text using your special password. Have fun!