My Beginning....
Here I am a few weeks after I moved into my new home. I was so tiny I could fit in poppas hand. I weighed 4 pounds. I still like to sleep on this pillow. Mom wanted a Terrier and looked at the many types and when she read about Westies she knew that's what she wanted. Poppa wasn't "feeling" having a new pup in the house (mom just brought me home because he didn't think she'd really do it) but after 2 days I became his "little, little girl" and the rest is history.
Sleeping with Weenie
A bit of epic Gracie history
The first few days were tough. All I did was howl so mom called an old friend (ex secret service and he protected many a president)who is a dog trainer and he came by and helped me out so I wasn't so lonely and scared (and mom could sleep). Mom insisted I be crate trained because she knew poppa would spoil me rotten. So, I had puppy classes and learned how to behave in public. I know a few cool tricks too like picking up poppas slippers and dropping them at his feet when I want to go out and now that I'm bigger I just stare at him and if he doesn't move quick enough I just bark at him. I'm a really good digger and hunter. Mom and poppa keep saying I'm really funny and I make them laugh all the time.
Me and Mom
I live in a ranch, in wooded suburbs of central CT. I'm 1 mile as the crow flies from the CT River. I live with my mom, Ellen and poppa, Bob. Mom's a Science Teacher and pop owns his own Cafe. Poppa might retire soon and I can't wait. he already drives me around and takes me everywhere. I have a human sister who lives in Baltimore and brother who lives 5 miles from us and he has a daughter, Mya and a kitty. Lot's of neighbors have dogs so I have lot's of friends.
Visiting a friend with mom.
My favorite things of which there are a few!
My favoritist "things" are my mom, poppa and pals. I don't bother much with toys but I do love Weenie, Bobo and a duck mom just bought at the store because it quacks. Stealing socks is one of my favorite games. I LOVE to dig holes and poppa let's me make the back yard full of them. mom isn't happy because she swears she is going to break her ankle one day. I totally enjoy walkies almost every day and try to go between 2-4 miles. I get to be off leash in the woods and tree farm a lot. I enjoy my dog pals Toto (he's more my size), Vegas and Penny the most. I love to kiss everyone and cry when mom doesn't bring me over to meet people and dogs I pass on walks. I love being outside and will stay there for hours no matter how hot or cold. mom has to drag me in most nights. I even like the pouring rain.... speaking of water, I'll swim any chance I get. I love the water. I'm a picky eater and only eat at night. There's kibble out all day but I rarely touch it and I only eat till I'm full. I love chews and milk bone snacks. poppa lets me lick the spoon when he has ice cream and sometimes I get to lick the plates after dinner. Sheer nirvana.
Try and take Bobo from me!
It's ME!
I was born June 23, 2006 in New Haven, CT. My mom was born there in 1952 and I'm pretty sure a hospital was involved in the delivery. I weigh 15 pounds and am sort of a "street fighting gal". I love the out of doors and would rather be outside than anywhere no matter what time of year. I love my walkies and usually do 2-4 miles/day. I'm a pretty good listener but watch out if I see a squirrel, chipmunk, bunny or those wild turkeys. I also love to go visit the neighbors and my favorite friend Toto the Yorkie and Penny the standard poodle. My walking partner is Vegas the boxer/lab mix. Mom can't believe it as I just scratch on the neighbors doors and they let me in! I love to kiss everyone and am known as the mad kisser in my neighborhood. Poppa spends most days with me cause he owns his own business and mom is busy teaching something called science to juvenile delinquents!!!! My 1st year was pretty good and I hope all the rest are as wonderful.
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