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AJ's Latest Rescues Reply to this Message
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Lynda and the Minkies
Member PageMember Page March 13 at 12:45
AJ's Latest Rescues

AJ has been busy again, folks !!! She asked me to post pictures of her latest saved puppers.
This is little Ruby.

Lynda and the Minkies
Member PageMember Page March 13 at 12:47
Gordie The Cairn Reply to this Message


A.J. & the kids in Omaha
Member PageMember Page March 13 at 15:21
Re: Gordie The Cairn Reply to this Message

Thanks, Lynda for posting all of these photos.
Little Ruby is just adorable.
She was found in a Super Target Parking lot and brought into one of our local shelters near Omaha.
A fellow rescue friend at the shelter kept her there for two weeks and tried to find her human family. No one came forward so she contacted me to come get her and bring her into Scottie Rescue.
Ruby is young and such a happy little Scottie.
She sails over the baby gates. She is in our foster care and having a ball with all of our kids.
I took her right to my vet and got her up to date on her vetting and also had her scanned for a micro chip...there was none.
Here is the link to Ruby's photos.


Photos of our foster, Ruby & our kids
Lynda and the Minkies
Member PageMember Page March 13 at 12:49
Sweet Gracie Reply to this Message

She really needed to see a vet, bless her...she'd been bred all her life and had awful ears. She has just been spayed...

Lynda and the Minkies
Member PageMember Page March 13 at 12:51
Finally Annie Reply to this Message

Another Scottie. Thankfully they're all safe now.
Well done, AJ !!

A.J. & the kids in Omaha
Member PageMember Page March 13 at 15:29
Re: Finally Annie Reply to this Message

Here is Annie's story...
She is also a shelter dog.
We brought Ruby into rescue from the T & C shelter on Thursday, March 4th, then picked up the Carin and the Scottie, Gordy and Gracie, on Saturday, March 6th.
Monday, March 8th we were able to get Annie out of the Council Bluffs shelter. My Scottie friend, Pat and her husband drove to the shleter to bring her into rescue.
Pat and her husband are fostering both Annie and Gracie now.
Annie was very dirty and matted, and Pat did a wonderful job getting her looking great.
All of these Scotties are up for adoption via Memory of Monroe Scottie Rescue.

Link to Annie's photos via Ofoto:

Also viewable at :www.memoryofmonroe/annie

Annie's photos via Ofoto
A.J. & the kids in Omaha
Member PageMember Page March 13 at 15:14
Re: AJ's Latest Rescues Reply to this Message

Thanks, Lynda for posting these last four rescues. It has been raining Scotties and Carins in Nebraska!!!
The Carin, Gordy, and the Scottie Gracie, came from a mill release.
Oh, they need alot of health care and alot of love to learn to trust.
We met the miller at an abandoned gas station across from an old abandoned church in the middle of nowhere in rural Nebraska.
It was difficult to hold my tongue...but had to. This miller has many more Carins to be released someday, so we want to keep the door open for rescue to help more of these dogs in need.
She told us she didn't want to pay to have them Put Down, and didn't want to shoot them...but could not feed dogs that wouldn't make her money.
She was breeding the Scottie, Gracie to a Poodle and selling puppies to a pet store in Lincoln.

Here is the link to a photo album for Gordy and for Gracie.


Gordy and Gracie's photo album via Ofoto
john / irene TOBY
Member PageMember Page March 13 at 16:50
Re: AJ's Latest Rescues Reply to this Message

Glad there all safe now They look lovely

John / irene TOBY
Linda and Katie
Member PageMember Page March 13 at 19:48
Re: AJ's Latest Rescues-get red x Reply to this Message

I would love to see the pictures, but I see a red x.
Linda and Katie
Rose , Shani & Homeless
Member PageMember Page March 13 at 21:11
Re: AJ's Latest Rescues Reply to this Message

Me too-red x's ?
Linda and Katie
Member PageMember Page March 13 at 21:58
Re: AJ's Latest Rescues Reply to this Message

Okay, see if I see the pictures

Carley and Zoe
Member PageMember Page March 14 at 12:25
Re: AJ's Latest Rescues Reply to this Message

Lynda and Rose- you can click on the link on message board that says gracies and gordy's pics and there is a photo album. They are so adorable!! Carley and Zoe
Carley and Zoe
Member PageMember Page March 14 at 22:07
Re: AJ's Latest Rescues Reply to this Message

How can I find out more about Gordy? Is he okay with other dogs...etc. Is he available through Cairn Rescue? Any info would be much appreciated! Thank You, Carley and Zoe

A.J. & the kids in Omaha
Member PageMember Page March 15 at 10:53
Re: AJ's Latest Rescues Reply to this Message

Gordie is at my vets being boarded until transport can be arranged via Col. Potter.
He has been neutered, brought up to date on all vaccinations, he is heartworm negative, & has been checked and wormed.
The clinic had to cut all of that matted fur off of him. I don't think he had ever been groomed, or brushed.
I went to visit him Thursday, & he is a very friendly little guy. He has never had a real home or family and really deserves one.
March 15 at 11:18
Re: AJ's Latest Rescues Reply to this Message

OH MY...Love these Scotties...where can I go to learn about their adoption specifics?? I am looking for a brother or sister for Bauer, our Westie.


A.J. & the kids in Omaha
Member PageMember Page March 15 at 12:45
Re: AJ's Latest Rescues Reply to this Message

Hi Stacey...
You can go to www.memoryofmonroe.com and fill out an online application.
Jan Seeger is the founder for Memory of Monroe Scottie Rescue.
Jan lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Also, online applications for the Scottish Terrier Club of America can be found at this site.
Let me know if I can help.
Our Best,
A.J. and the kids in Omaha

Carley and Zoe
Member PageMember Page March 15 at 12:54
Re: AJ's Latest Rescues Reply to this Message

I have already filled out an application for Col Potter, I haven't heard anything from them regarding Alister. Would I have to fill out a new application for Gordy? Is he okay with other dogs? I have a female cairn that will be 4. Also how do you go about transporting him? Thank you for the info. Carley and Zoe

Member PageMember Page March 15 at 15:21
Re: AJ's Latest Rescues Reply to this Message

I'm trying to find out who has you... no you dont need a second application.

A.J. & the kids in Omaha
Member PageMember Page March 15 at 13:39
Re: AJ's Latest Rescues Reply to this Message

Hi Carlie,
Gordy is a mill release dog. We picked him up in a romote rural location in Nebraska from the miller along with the little Scottie, Gracie.
He is very shy and friendly. He snuggled with little Gracie when we brought them back to Omaha to get them both to our vets.
I believe he will be fostered in Missouri. Still working on his transport to head South.
The email contacts that have for Col. Potter involved with the intake of Gordy into Col. Potter are:
I would think if you email them, they could look into your application for a Carin & get back to you about Gordy.
Right now, the plans are to transport him to Missouri.
Gracie is currently in a wonderful foster home in Omaha.
Here is little Gordy the day we picked him up from the miller.

A.J. & the kids in Omaha
Member PageMember Page March 15 at 13:42
Re: AJ's Latest Rescues Reply to this Message

Here is little Gracie. Look at her beautiful eyes. So afraid.
She finally will have a chance for a life of unconditional love and health.
This was my first puppy mill experience, one I will NEVER forget!!!

A.J. & the kids in Omaha
Member PageMember Page March 15 at 13:47
Re: AJ's Latest Rescues Reply to this Message

This is the very old abandoned church which was across the road from the abandoned gas station where we met the puppy miller in the middle of no where.
Thank goodness she turned them over to rescue rather than death.
Her attitude was, If they can't make puppies anymore, they are not worth keeping because it costs too much to feed them. She also did want to pay a vet to put them down.
When I saw this Old Church in the country....I decided to name the little Scottie Gracie.

Carley and Zoe
Member PageMember Page March 15 at 14:28
Re: AJ's Latest Rescues Reply to this Message

Thank you so much for the information. I would love to adopt Gordy and I am in Missouri so that would work out great. I am going to email everyone to see if I can get him. Thank you so much!!! Carley and Zoe

Lynda and the Minkies
Member PageMember Page March 15 at 14:46
Re: AJ's Latest Rescues Reply to this Message

Best of luck, Carley !!
Carley and Zoe
Member PageMember Page March 15 at 14:39
Re: AJ's Latest Rescues Reply to this Message

Do you know old Gordy is? I have sent everyone emails to see if I can adopt him. He is just so cute. If you have any tips for me they would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again. carley and Zoe

A.J. & the kids in Omaha
Member PageMember Page March 15 at 16:20
Re: AJ's Latest Rescues Reply to this Message

Carley....I am not sure how old Gordy is. The miller said she thought about 8 years old. She has several Carins that she breeds. She told me she can't them all straight.
Guess he wasn't breeding anymore and she couldn't profit from him any longer.
He has a dry eye condition that will need continued treatment.
I don't think he had ever had any TLC.
When I went to the vets after his neuter to visit him, he gave me kisses.
Without all that matted hair, he is a small little guy. Very sweet and timid.
He does need someone to finally really love him.
Carley and Zoe
Member PageMember Page March 15 at 14:48
Re: AJ's Latest Rescues Reply to this Message

Thank you Lynda!! He is just too cute for words isn't he!! Hugs and kisses, Carley and Zoe
Carley and Zoe
Member PageMember Page March 15 at 16:04
Re: AJ's Latest Rescues Reply to this Message

Thank you Corinne, I really appreciate it! Carley and Zoe
Carley and Zoe
Member PageMember Page March 15 at 17:24
Re: AJ's Latest Rescues Reply to this Message

Who does make the final decisions about adopting him? I would love to have him. I have been in contact with his soon to be foster home. I heard he has to stay there for 2 weeks. Could I get him any sooner or no? Thanks so much for all the info you are providing me!! Carley and Zoe
A.J. & the kids in Omaha
Member PageMember Page March 15 at 17:53
Re: AJ's Latest Rescues Reply to this Message

Carley, I do not know alot about Col.Potter policies.
When I learned that this miller had a Carin to turn over, I said we would take him after contacting Col. Potter.
I am sure, just like in Scottie and Westie Rescue, we consider the foster experience as a time to evaluate the personality of each rescue.
Mill dogs, who have not experienced the love of a family need a chance to learn to trust and feel safe and secure to love.
The minute I picked up little Gordie, he was very docile and sweet. He does not really know about green grass or how to walk on a leash.
When I went to see him at the vets, he gave me kisses, as to say "Thank You" for saving my LIFE.
I am not sure how the decision is made for adoptive applicants with Col.Potter. Perhaps Corrine could help put you in touch with those who make the decisions.
Our very Best wishes,
A.J. in Omaha
Carley and Zoe
Member PageMember Page March 15 at 17:59
Re: AJ's Latest Rescues Reply to this Message

Thank you so much for all of your help. We are all glad that you saved his life. Well done. You are an angel. I will keep you posted if I hear anything. Thanks again, Carley and Zoe
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