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Rescued Sadie is adopted by a Wonderful Family Reply to this Message
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A.J. & the kids
Member PageMember Page June 10 at 12:14
Rescued Sadie is adopted by a Wonderful Family

I am very happy to announce that Sadie, the older Westie girl who we pulled from the Shelter in Omaha has been adopted!!!
Sadie also has a Westie sister, Sugar, who also is a shelter rescue!
What a Wonderful loving family for Sadie to share her Golden Years with! She will have the Very Best of Care for her special needs and Oh, SO MUCH Love and Affection!!!
Sadie was our little Rescue Foster for 12 days, and we enjoyed her SO MUCH!!!
Ralphie, Abby Lu & Winnie had SO Much fun teaching her how to play like a Westie!!!
This is the link to her Ofoto Album. You will need to sign in and create a password...The site will open up and then click slideshow to read about Sadies life.


Link to Sadies Photo Album via Ofoto.

A.J. & the kids
Member PageMember Page June 10 at 12:17
Re: Rescued Sadie is adopted by a Wonderful Family Reply to this Message

This is a photo I took through the front door after saying good bye to Sadie. I had tears in my eyes for this sweet dear older Westie girl...They were happy tears knowing that she now will have a wonderful life filled with So Much Love and Care from her Adoptive Forever Family!!!

A.J. & the kids
Member PageMember Page June 10 at 12:21
Re: Rescued Sadie is adopted by a Wonderful Family Reply to this Message

Here's Sadie with our kids. From the left, Abby Lu, Ralphie Sadie and Winnie!!!
They were wonderful little Rescue Ambassadors again. They actually tried to teach Sadie how to ZOOM!!!

john / irene TOBY
Member PageMember Page June 10 at 13:52
Re: Rescued Sadie is adopted by a Wonderful Family Reply to this Message

Thats wonderful We are so happy for Sadie a dear old westie girl that she has a new loving forever home and a sister to Good luck Sadie

John / irene TOBY

A.J. & the kids
Member PageMember Page June 10 at 14:51
Re: Rescued Sadie is adopted by a Wonderful Family Reply to this Message

I heard from her new family this morning and they report that Sugar and Sadie are having a great time together. Lucky for both of them to have each other!!!
Member PageMember Page June 10 at 14:33
Re: Rescued Sadie is adopted by a Wonderful Family Reply to this Message

Oh geez, my mom's eyes are leaking agan!! She always does this when she reads stories like this - the older ones really make her mushy....We are very happy for Sadie - look at that forever family she has now!!! Wow!!!

Good work, AJ and Gang,
Booker (and his weepy mom!)

A.J. & the kids
Member PageMember Page June 10 at 14:49
Re: Rescued Sadie is adopted by a Wonderful Family Reply to this Message

Oh, Booker...A.J. did the SAME thing...We miss this sweet little old missing tooth girl!!!
She is so cute...her little tongue sticks out because of her missing front teeth. Sadie just wants to kiss and kiss and kiss!!!!
I think she had been neglected for so long that now she is really making up for the love and attention she missed.
Ellen (and Rosie)
Member PageMember Page June 10 at 14:38
Re: Rescued Sadie is adopted by a Wonderful Family Reply to this Message

That's great news!!! Good luck to Sadie in her new home. They look like such a wonderful family!

Ellen and Rosie

A.J. & the kids
Member PageMember Page June 10 at 14:46
Re: Rescued Sadie is adopted by a Wonderful Family Reply to this Message

Oh, YES, they are a Wonderful loving family!!!
The Westie Angels were watching out for Sadie...to find such a fabulous Forever home for her!!!
She will be SO loved and appreciated....AND receive the Very Best Care!!!
They love her little floppy Westie puppy ears!!!
Member PageMember Page June 10 at 15:38
Re: Rescued Sadie is adopted by a Wonderful Family Reply to this Message

Great job, A.J. I know that Sadie will live her life out in comfort and with lots of love.

A.J. & the kids
Member PageMember Page June 10 at 15:54
Re: Rescued Sadie is adopted by a Wonderful Family Reply to this Message

Oh, Yes, Brenda, I am certain of that!!!
When the shelter contacted me, Sadie had been there for some time.
Her chances of being adopted were poor & her days could have been numbered.
She was SO SHY when I first met her,but within a couple of hours, she realized that she was going to have a chance to LIVE and be loved!!!
Her sweet little personality just came to LIFE!!!
Sadie realized that there is love and there is HOPE to give and recieve SO MUCH LOVE & Wonderful Care!!!
Member PageMember Page June 11 at 14:16
Re: Rescued Sadie is adopted by a Wonderful Family Reply to this Message

I just have to ask ... is there ANYONE who didn't look at this photo and burst into tears???? I surely cannot be the only one!



A.J. & the kids
Member PageMember Page June 11 at 14:37
Re: Rescued Sadie is adopted by a Wonderful Family Reply to this Message

Oh, Georgia...You have that right!!!
After giving Sweet Sadie a kiss good bye...
I walked out the door...
When I turned to wave...the family was standing at the door waving "Good Bye" and Thank You to me...
I just had to capture that photo!!!
And then cry some Happy Tears for Sweet Sadie who finally has a chance at a Wonderful Loving Life!!!
Annie & The E Gang
Member PageMember Page June 12 at 07:59
Re: Rescued Sadie is adopted by a Wonderful Family Reply to this Message

We are just so pleased that these little ones are found a loving forever home,and when they are older,they deserve everything love can offer .
love and kisses xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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