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We hads loads of rain Reply to this Message

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Biba and Drew
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Oct 18, 2024 at 11:39
(United Kingdom)
Post 19443

We hads loads of rain Vote for this post

We hads loads of rain  here till yesterday and today ..the potting sheds were flooded but dwied now but mummy has moved the mowers oot and at least she hads put daddys chain saw up high..we hads to play inside all the time..Mummy tooked us oot this afternoon wiv the carty for drew and we hope to go sumwhar tomorrow...she has peeples in the cottages again so a busy November cuming up.
When I go wiv mummy for my morning walkie its away fwom the trees cos sum have fallen doown and she not walking near them she says so I been digging for moles and mouses and making mummy stand in the rain watching me Ha Ha ...and I gots one this afternoon on our walkie wiv Drew...i leapt into the hedgerow and that wos it ...gone !Bibsy 1 .. Mousey 0 again...Sunday is supposed to be more rain and Mummy says she wants to tiday owr coats a bit inside if its too wet to go in the motor car.We hope evewybod is doing OK..Mummy still having sad times missing Daddy and me and Drew do also.
We wonder wot everybod elses wevver is doing...and stay safe in storms.
Big Smoochies to my Master Gwady and Drews Gal EmmieSue .
Love Bibsy Drew and Mummy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Deb, Emmie, and Angel Kelsie
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Oct 18, 2024 at 14:47
• Deborah

Post 11620

Re: We hads loads of rain Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Hello Bestest Bibs an my Drew Boy! Woo!Hoo! dem mousies dons stand a chance when you is on a hunt! I not mention it to Mommy...her bery upset wif my outside kitty fer killin a chipmunk an bringin it in to da patio so Daddy would see it! He buried da poor thing an now Pooky are mad at him! Go figure...We finally gots some sunshine an we so sorry dat you hab da floodin rains now! Hopefully, da rain will go away an you'll be able ta go out in da motorcar dis weekend! We knows your Mommy will take you someplace eggcitin an we cans wait ta hear all bout it an maybe see a piccie or two? We knows you are all missin your Daddy but we knows he are always wif you an watchin ober you all da time! Be good an know dat we is thinkin bout you an sendin our lub to you all! 
Lub, bestest friend Emmie Sue (Drew's Girl) an Mommy XXXXXXXXXXXXX

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Oct 18, 2024 at 17:10
• Sandi

Post 7501

Re: We hads loads of rain Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Send some of the rain are way,we could sure use some. Bibs you are one great hunter.

Sandi and Ollie, buster Robin and Presley at the bridge

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Oct 19, 2024 at 12:21
Post 1844

Re: We hads loads of rain Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Morning my Bibsy and pal Drew Annie too...what fun that you got some nice walkies and Bibs you got another mouse to your scores!!! You are the best huntress I believe!! Sorry to learn you had some flooding,good no damage and it's drying out now. We send HUGS to you all as healing the sadness missing your Daddy. 
This morning we can hear the bagpipes playing cause the highland games are close by. It makes me do a sing-song as mom says...long howls to the sky.
Wishing you all a good week ahead.Bibsy I have sweet dreams for you my girl.xoxoxox Hugs Master Grady and Sandra.

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