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Sep 07, 2024 at 14:01
• Mark

Post 1015

Our Terrier Statue Vote for this post

I was reading Ollie's topic "Westie statue at lowes" below and remembered that we happen to have a Cairn/Westie statue sitting near our front door!

Evelyn and I used to attend the Great Western Terrier Association show every year held in Long Beach, California. We used to bring Katy and Penny and spent hours watching all the different Terrier breeds compete.

Shortly after we lost Katy and then Penny (aged 17 and 18 years), we attended the GWTA show in 2012 and got introduced to a Cairn breeder who competed in the show and recently had a litter of puppies. That's how we found Emmy, who we adopted at the age of 12 weeks!

It's also where we won a 14" statue of a Westie (or Cairn) in a raffle.
That statue has a permanent place near our front door:

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Sep 07, 2024 at 14:29
• Sandi

Post 7489

Re: Our Terrier Statue Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Mark, love the statue,it's better than the one it Lowe's

Sandi and Ollie, buster Robin and Presley at the bridge

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Deb, Emmie, and Angel Kelsie
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Sep 07, 2024 at 17:06
• Deborah

Post 11606

Re: Our Terrier Statue Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Love the statue Mark as well as the story that goes with it! What a fitting tribute to Katy, Penny, and a reminder of how you found Emmy!
Love, Deb, Emmie Sue, and Angel Kelsie

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Sep 07, 2024 at 20:39
Post 1830

Re: Our Terrier Statue Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

What a beautiful statue it is and lucky you and Evelyn were lucky to win it at the raffle.I've been to the GWTA shows in Long Beach,CA years ago in the early 2000's and  show handled Maddie's Brother Herbie there.Lots of good memories tied to the events. Also attended the WHWTCA banquet there. Just like Katy and Penny our Maddie loved seeing all the terriers. It was at those shows that Maddie was very interested in some Cairn Terriers.  I just knew that we were going to have a Cairn added to our family. We shortly were approved to adopt Mr. Willie from CPCRN.
Enjoyed your post on how you adopted your Emmy.  After the heartbreak of losing our Emily then Maddie and lastly Mr.Willie I wasn't planning on another terrier but 2 years later we adopted Grady at 11 weeks old. 

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Biba and Drew
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Sep 08, 2024 at 06:38
(United Kingdom)
Post 19431

Re: Our Terrier Statue Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

That is so lovely Mark,I would have been sooo pleased to have won that,we remember Penny and Katy so much since joining all those years ago..its not often you see Cairn statues  over here in UK
Thank you so much for sharing with us.
Hugs and kisses to you all
Annie Biba and Drew  xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Bo Bryce
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Sep 08, 2024 at 18:20
• Louise

Post 6552

Re: Our Terrier Statue Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Love the statue Mark!  A true tribute to Kathy and Penny and to Emmy too. Love BoBo, Jewel & all our terrier Angels

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Sep 09, 2024 at 09:59
• allen
(New Jersey)

Post 1615

Re: Our Terrier Statue Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

That is a great statue!!!!!!

Love Riley and Allen

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