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we went to a tractor show Reply to this Message

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Biba and Drew
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Aug 05, 2024 at 17:01
(United Kingdom)
Post 19414

we went to a tractor show Vote for this post

Mummy tooked us yesterday to a vintage twactor show ..it wos only a small show but sumwhar diffewant for us and we mooched around and watched the peeples and old vintage vehicles for about an hour and then we wented to a nice country house walkie whar we used to go wiv daddy..its wrm wevver here today but bweezy and mummy has been doing a lots of pwuning in the garden and mowing agains and filled my pond up wiv fresh water to play in and I gotted a mousey yesterday afternoon and anuvver one this afternoon ...Mummy says we must have sum normality and fun again ...normal as Much as we can and take each day as it comes and keep playing togevver and hoping daddy is watching us....
Big Huggies and kissies to everybod and Smoochies for owr Grady and Emmie Sue .
Lov Bibsy Drew and mummy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Aug 05, 2024 at 17:50
• Sandi

Post 7473

Re: we went to a tractor show Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

The tractor show sounds like fun. Good you can get out and enjoy things. Iam sure your daddy is watching over all of you.

Sandi and Ollie, buster Robin and Presley at the bridge

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Deb, Emmie, and Angel Kelsie
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Aug 05, 2024 at 19:01
• Deborah

Post 11587

Re: we went to a tractor show Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Oh Bestest and my Drew Boy, that sounds like a wonderful outin you an your Mummy took! Our neighbor collects old tractors an on Sunday afernoons, he starts one a dem up an takes it fer a drive around da property before he puts it away again. Mommy says he gots ober 40 old tractors! We is so glad dat you is goin out an doin fun things an we knows your Daddy are watchin ober you an tellin your Mummy jus where ta take you fer outings! We still gots temps in da 90's so we not goin out much. Later dis week, da temps are supposed ta come down but we might be gettin lots a rain from Hurricane Debby comin up da coast. We wait and see how it goes! Bestest Bibs, I not surprised a bit dat you is still on da hunt fer dem mousies! One a my kitties would gib you a run fer da money...her usually brings at least one mousie in ebery mornin an den gets mad when Daddy takes it an buries it! Hee! Hee! We send lots a hugs an smoochies fer all a you an hope you hab a good night's sleep!
Lub to you, bestest friend Emmie Sue (Drew's Girl), Mommy, an Angel Kelsie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Aug 06, 2024 at 13:13
Post 1815

Re: we went to a tractor show Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

My lady Biba and Drew what a nice get away to see the Tractor Show and have a walk about at the country house where good memories are remembered with your Daddy.Huntress Biba nice to hear that your hunting skills are fine tuned and congrats on the two scores of mice you got.
Your mommy sure sounds busy with all the pruning and mowing of the grounds...big job there. Hope the weather cools down soon.Biba my sweetie I would love to join you and Drew buddy in the wading pool and splash around...sounds like FUN!! I just have a sprinkler which I like to bark at and dart back and forth in. Blowing kisses to my Biba and Hugs to you all Master Gradyxoxoxoxox and Sandra xox

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Bo Bryce
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Aug 09, 2024 at 11:51
• Louise

Post 6545

Re: we went to a tractor show Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Oh Biba & Drew the tractor show sounded like a lot of fun.  I bet they were very interesting to sniff out and see.  Glad you were able to go on a nice country house walkie you took with your daddy.  So many special memories for you!!!!  Love your friends BoBo, Jewel, and our terrier Angels Kinzie, Judah, & Murphy

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Aug 10, 2024 at 11:53
• allen
(New Jersey)

Post 1604

Re: we went to a tractor show Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

You guys have so many interesting places to go and have fun.

More moussys  keep it going.

Love Riley and Allen

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