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Biba and Drew
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Jul 23, 2024 at 17:21
(United Kingdom)
Post 19410

Update on us all Vote for this post

Hullo Everybod...Mummy is real busy wiv the cottage holiday lets   and the owners have put the Big hoose up for sale ...need deep pockets she says for that one..but keeping all the uvver cottages and land and letting us stay in our hoose and walled garden..they have kindly lowered the rental for mummy..Whoo Hoo so no more stairs for Drew,he can stay here on the flat surfaces.I have been in my pond lots and Mummy has been taking us oot and getting used to just being her and Drew and Carty and Me...she says its a job if she wasnts to do a Widdie if no secret bushes around to go behind cos she dus not like to leave Drew ootside a toilet and take me in ...in case sumone steals him!!...Mummys are funny I weckon..we hads hot wevver and mixed at the moment but not as hot as lots of yoo over the pond...
the paperwork is almost sorted now and Mummy got to decide what to do aboot the motoring car side..at the moment we gots the two cars so she will be maybe keeping one or putting them both in part ex for a diffewant one now our needs are diffewant but we still need room for Drews carty and windows he can see oot of and doggie guard in the back so we safe twavelling....we cum back tomowwow night as off to do owr last night widdies and then bo bo.
We Love yoo lots and Smoochies to EmmieSue and Master Gwady Lov Bibsy Drew and Mummy and she says stay safe everyone and happy and Fank you for being here for us .xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Deb, Emmie, and Angel Kelsie
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Jul 23, 2024 at 18:04
• Deborah

Post 11582

Re: Update on us all Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Oh Mrs. Annie, we so very glad ta read dat you can keep your cottage! We knows dat steppies are difficult for my Drew Boy an now he an Bestest Bibs can keep enjoyin der liddle garden an take loads a walkies nearby! Oh, Mommy wants ta add somethin so I hand dis ober ta her! Sleep tight all of you an know dat we lubs you loads an loads! XXXXXXXXXXXXX
Lub, bestest friend Emmie Sue (Drew's Girl), Mommy, an Angel Kelsie

Annie we're so happy that you can stay in your cottage with all its advantages for Drew and Bibs! Will you still be taking care of the cottages after the big house is sold? I imagine they would still keep you very busy, especially when the vacationers come to stay! It's also good to hear that you're getting a handle on all the paperwork and puzzling it out what to do about the motorcars. It will take longer for you to adjust to just the three of you but I am sure that Peter is looking down on you and guiding you along the way. He will always be there in your heart, something you can take comfort in when you are missing him the most.
Love, Deb, Emmie and Angel Kelsie

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Jul 23, 2024 at 19:27
• Sandi

Post 7467

Re: Update on us all Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Oh Annie so good to hear that you will get to stay in your cottage. Good for all of you and especially drew with no steps for him. Good you are getting the paper done. It seems to take forever
Know that Peter is looking down on all of you
God bless

Sandi and Ollie, buster Robin and Presley at the bridge

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Jul 24, 2024 at 12:25
Post 1811

Re: Update on us all Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

So good to see your post Annie Biba and Drew. What great news that you don't have to move and that you can stay in the cottage with reduced rent ...more treats for Biba and Drew Grady says.(HUGS) 
 Hope all gets sorted soon with the cars. Sorry we are late getting here. Our internet has been out mostly for 5 days and still getting on off problems.Hope we can get it fixed soon.
Grady sends his lady Biba snuggle hugs and loads of kisses...Hi paws to Drew...we think of you all so often. Love Sandra & Master Gradyxoxox

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Jul 24, 2024 at 14:12
• allen
(New Jersey)

Post 1601

Re: Update on us all Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

So glad to hear you can stay where you are.

Good luck with the cars hope you get one that is perfect for your needs.

Love Riley and Allen

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Bo Bryce
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Jul 25, 2024 at 18:43
• Louise

Post 6542

Re: Update on us all Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Oh Annie so glad to read your update!  I am happy you will be able to keep your cottage and even lowering the rental rate.  I was worried you would have to find a new home.  I am glad all the paperwork is sorted out and you will be able to decide what to do with your cars.  So much to do.  Love Bo Bo, Jewel, Mummy Louise and all our Terrier Angels

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Jul 26, 2024 at 07:47
Post 5939

Re: Update on us all Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

That is great news that you get to stay must be a relief not having to move. Good luck with the car decision.

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