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We went to the National trust park and Update Reply to this Message

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Biba and Drew
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Jun 30, 2024 at 08:59
(United Kingdom)
Post 19389

We went to the National trust park and Update Vote for this post

Mummy tooked us to the National twust park again all morning where we used to go lots wiv daddy..she wore her mourning lockets underneath her jummy and Daddy is in one of them wiv Suckie sissies fur so he wos wiv us....Mummy has been real busy wiv holiday change overs at the cottage and the owners are here one more week.Mummy has been doing lots of mowing in the walled garden for tracks cos she not want us wiv grass seeds in owr eyes..the estate are supposed to be going to mow it all but thats taking time as ever which makes mummy cwoss wiv them...but a gardener man is going to strim the edges next weekend and mummy will pay him herself...we gots duller wevver here today but better for owr morning out at the park...Oh and the television gave up and has joined Daddy ..well at Tele heaven really...a diffewant place to Daddy...we weckon a diffewant county  over thar.....Mummy gots a new one fwom the booktown but spent ages trying to set it up but alas no luck as she just not techno so the nice compooter man is cuming tomowwow to do it for her..the paperwork will soon be sorted for daddy but mummy having many times of missing him and we want him here again..she dweemed she met him in the hall and gave him a big hug and kissies and he said he had not gone and that it had been a bad dweem she had that he had died...she woked up and wos real sad cos she knewed it was not a dweem that he had gone to Rainbow...Mummys nice sissie who has doggies had said that it wos a sign somehow fwom daddy to say he wos still around somehow.
We hope all owr chums are having a nice weekend and staying safe  and we send Hugs and kissies to all and Smoochies to owr Master Gwaaady and Miss EmmieSue and Mummy says Big Thank you for all your support here.
Lov Bibsy Drew and Mummy xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Deb, Emmie, and Angel Kelsie
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Jun 30, 2024 at 12:57
• Deborah

Post 11549

Re: We went to the National trust park and Update Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Ah Bestest an my Drew, we so glad dat you is gettin out an about an dat your Mummy found a way ta include your Daddy on your outins! We knows you would rather hab him der wif you in person (so ta speak) but at least you know he's watchin ober you an guidin your Mummy in her decisions an such! Oh, an dis are bery spooky...like my Mommy an your Mummy is somehow connected connetically! Our telly died too! Daddy are useless when it comes ta things like dat an Mommy not techno (jus like your Mummy!!!) so her spent almost 2 hours on da phone while a nice lady guided her through settin it up!! We hopes your compooter guy can get you all hooked up too! We glad you is habbin nicer weader. We was under a tornado warnin last night but thank heabens, all we gots were lots a rain an a bit a wind! Today, it are 90* an we is under a severe thunderstorm watch. We hopes it misses us again! We still hopin ta see a piccie a bof a you on one a your outings an hope your Mommy an bof a you hab sweet dreams tanight. We lubs you all loads an loads an hope ta hear more updates real soon!
Lub, bestest friend Emmie Sue (Drew's Girl) an Mommy XXXXXXXXXXXXX

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Jul 01, 2024 at 19:46
Post 1789

Re: We went to the National trust park and Update Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Annie so good to see your post. What a nice outting to go back to the National Trust Park and revisit. Drew must of liked riding around in his new stroller .Sweet you have the lockets with you of Peter and the pups. Good you could get away for a bit of relaxing and escape all the grounds work and duties. Sorry your TV gave out. I don't do well with setting up the technical things. Good that you have someone to get your new television sorted.
Grady sends his beautiful girl Biba bunches of kisses and huggiesxoxoxoxoxoxox
Love to you all Sandra & Master Gradyxoxoxo

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Jul 02, 2024 at 06:34
Post 5938

Re: We went to the National trust park and Update Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Annie sounds like you have been super busy. Yes technology can be quite challenging. Good to hear you all had a nice outing. It is cold here (Winter of course). 

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