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Cheryl & Rookie
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Feb 19, 2024 at 21:54
• Cheryl
(New York)

Post 11415

Hi, Gang! Vote for this post

I've been gone from here for so long I wonder if anyone remembers me. We sold our house several years ago and found a nice little rental only 7/10 of a mile up the road.

Roo is at the Rainbow Bridge. Trip and I were right next to him, one on each side, while his vet sent him on the way. I thought I would die of a broken heart but he lived a wonderful love-filled life, and towards the end we knew that it was time for him to go.

After Roo died we decided to get another rescue and ended up with a big mixed breed (possibly a pointer mix). She was a sweetheart and Trip gave her long walks and she sat on his lap (nearly smothered him!)

After a while we were blessed enough to get Rookie. (Before he came to us, he was named Roland). The two dogs got along pretty well, but one day, after returning from their walks, she attacked Rookie and it took both of us and all our strength to get her to let go of Rookie. She had also challenged me on a couple of occasions and we decided she had to go back to the rescue organization. God only knows  why she attacked him and we were thankful that we were home when it happened.

As for Rookie, no blood was shed but his neck was badly bruised, according to our vet. He was on strong painkillers for 10 days and totally traumatized. Eventually, his Westietude kicked in and pulled him through.

Today, he is one happy guy, loved by Trip and I . . . he's smart and funny . . . a perfect match for us!

As for us, Trip and I have had some health challenges but we'll keep on ticking! In the last year, I fell several times, and last May I fell and broke my arm. I'm ok now, pretty much.

I'm glad I am back with you again!

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Deb, Emmie, and Angel Kelsie
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Feb 20, 2024 at 09:03
• Deborah

Post 11466

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So happy to hear from you Cheryl! I can't tell you how many times I thought about you and wondered how you and Trip were doing! I will always remember all the fun times we had here at TC with Roo and so many of our TC members who have now gone to RB, {including our Kelsie). I'm so very glad to hear that Rookie didn't have more serious injuries from the attack and that he's recovered and a happy little guy once more! We're all getting older and like you, some of us have had our share of issues but we power on and enjoy our pups who make life so much richer! I hope we see more posts from you and we'd love to see a few pics of Rookie! Stay in touch and know you always have a home here at TC!
Love, Deb, Emmie Sue, and Angel Kelsie

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Feb 20, 2024 at 09:24
• Sandi

Post 7363

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Cheryl so wonderful to hear from you. Have missed you,I remember roo's adventures and westie air,good times. I know longer have buster Robin and Presley, last year I adopted a sweet little westie named Ollie, a great little guy,keeps me going. So glad that rookie was seriously hurt.

Keep us I up to date on his adventures and how you guys are doing. Welcome back.

Sandi and Ollie, buster Robin and Presley at the bridge

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Feb 20, 2024 at 12:26
Post 1703

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So nice to see your post Cheryl! We remember all the fun posts with Roo and the adventures. Glad you have Rookie and that he is a joy in your lives. My sweet trio Maddie Willie and Emily my Rainbow angels are very missed. Today we have a spunky little cairn named Grady that keeps us very busy with his antics. Hope you can join in on the board when time allows. Missed you here.

Hugs Sandra & Gradyxox

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Biba and Drew
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Feb 20, 2024 at 12:44
(United Kingdom)
Post 19311

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Cheryl,its so lovely to hear from you and of course we remember you Trip and Dear Roo...and how could we forget Westie Air ! and all the uper adventures here we went on,sadly we no longer have Gremmie Eric Ellie Gareth NimbySue or Suckie sis (Emma) the collie..we have Biba  a Cairn..always another Cairn LOL!! and Andrew a West Highland who we rescued when Emma left for Rainbow Bridge..my heart has been broken so many times like a lot of us here but coming here helps to heal so much in those times...I am so sorry Rookie got atacked,Andrew the westie did and me by two staffordshire pit bull crosses...it stays with you but thankfully Andrew has recovered but can still be cautious of that type of dog if he sees one...we steer clear of them.
Lots of positive prayers for your health issues...I do hope you come often here again as we have missed you and thought of you often..it would be lovely to see a picture of Rookie also if you can  get one on here for us.
We are back in Herefordshire in a large bungalow ...rental a lot more money but Andrew does not have good back legs and getting older so as long as he is happy and a complete walled garden  for them to play in and I am pleased you have found somewhere also.
Hope to hear more soon and Much love Hugs and kisses to you all .
Annie Biba and Drew xxxxxxxxxxxxx 

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Cheryl & Rookie
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Feb 20, 2024 at 17:36
• Cheryl
(New York)

Post 11416

So nice! Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

We are so happy to be back. I was on FB for quite a while and my hubby kept "requesting" that I get off. I was hacked there a few times.

Mark, I don't think TC was ever hacked, and I want to thank you for creating a safe place for us. We first joined with Reggie and I think we go back to about 1991 or so?

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Feb 21, 2024 at 17:33
• allen
(New Jersey)

Post 1553

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We are so sorry to hear about the passing of Roo.

We will miss him.  Glad you are back .

Please stay right here and enjoy our little club.

Love Rirey and Allen

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Bo Bryce
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Feb 21, 2024 at 19:09
• Louise

Post 6504

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Oh Cheryl, I have thought and wondered about how you all were doing.  I am so glad to hear from you!!!!!  So sorry to hear Roo is at the Rainbow Bridge.  He is there with my precious Caesar and his Scottie brothers Murphy & Judah and a sweet senior girl named Kinzie.  I am living in Southern Indiana now after leaving Illinois and going to Florida with my husband Chuck who died there of cancer.  I have a Westie named BoBryce.  He is 7 yrs old and I adopted him from St. Louis Scottish Terrier Rescue the same rescue I adopted my Scotties from.  I also have an 11 yr. of Westie named Jewel.  Jewel is also from StLSTR and  I am fostering her.  She is a permanent foster due to health and behavioral issues.  She is very sweet and has come a long way.  I am so excited you have Rookie!!!  He is beautiful!   I remember so fondly all our trips we took on Westie Air especially when we went to Aruba!!!!!!  So happy you are back!!!!!!!!!!

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