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Can yoo believe it!!..I wented to a flea market Reply to this Message

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Biba and Drew
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Feb 13, 2024 at 11:57
(United Kingdom)
Post 19298

Can yoo believe it!!..I wented to a flea market Vote for this post

Can yoo believe this I say...we all wented to a big ootdoor antiques and flea market on Sunday at a big showground..well......I hardly dare say..mummy and daddy hads a sandwich and a cup of coffee and Mummy was stwoking my head and then she touched me again and Ooooooh Noooooo....she seds to Daddy... Bibby has two small ticks on her head!!!...well that was it she twisted them to the left and they were goners,but that's not all ..cos after a short while and when we were on the gwass she looked again and yoo never guess...Yup! anuvver one so that one went...and thats not all when she putted me back in the motor car she found anuvver one!!..four goners......but she seds they never camed fwom the flea market but from the day before cos me and Drew went to the National twust big hoose and grounds and I wos looking for wabbits in the long gwass  for ages wiv mummy and even flushed one oot...it ran fast up a hill and even bro Drew sawed it and went running on his lead up a hill!!...when we wented to the vetties for owr boosters last week mummy got some more flea and tick meddies for us and had not given them to us yet so as soon as we gotted back from the flea fair we hads to have one each.
My bro Drew and EmmieSue's boy still insists that yoo get fleas from flea fairs but just that I got ticks......he only jelus cos he never gots any and I ticked him off Ha Ha !..Lov Bibsy Drew and Mummy xxxxxxxxxxxx
PS I wonder why mummy changed her beddie linen that night!!

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Deb, Emmie, and Angel Kelsie
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Feb 13, 2024 at 12:14
• Deborah

Post 11457

Re: Can yoo believe it!!..I wented to a flea market Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Oh dear, oh my! We nots know you had ticks ober der Bestest Bibs! Oh, we so sorry dat you gots all dem nasty critters on you an so glad dat your Mummy found dem so fast! My Daddy gots Lyme Disease from dem nasty things so Mommy checks me real good all da time an I wears a Seresto Collar ta keep dem off me! Fer all your twouble, you should hab at least gots a mole or two! Drats I do say! I are tickled ta hear dat my Drew got into da action, eben if he not gets anything. 
Lub, bestest friend Emmie Sue (Drew's Girl) an Mommy XXXXXXXXXXXX

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Feb 13, 2024 at 17:16
Post 1693

Re: Can yoo believe it!!..I wented to a flea market Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Oh no Bibs....not the ole blood sucking ticks!! So good your Mom checks you well and found those bad guys fast!! Good you got meddies to keep those tick and fleas away.Yippy that you got a wabbit on the run and had a fun chase through the high grasses. Sounds like such fun!! I see wabbits on our walks sometimes but I am on leash and only get to do the two step hop...no chasing since we are on busy street.
Tomorrow I get to open your very special Valentine's gifty. We put up a picture then. Love youxoxoxoxxo Master Gradyxox

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