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Happy Birthday to our Special Girl Biba Reply to this Message

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Biba and Drew
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Jan 25, 2024 at 11:23
(United Kingdom)
Post 19285

Happy Birthday to our Special Girl Biba Vote for this post

Happy Birthday Bibsy and we Love you very much,you bring so much sunshine and Naughtiness to our lives and keeping the Cairn household active ,Gremmie Eric Gareth Ellie and Nimby will be proud of you and of course Emma the collie...you have traits of all of them in you.
Big Hugs and kisses Mummy Daddy and Bro Drew xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Jan 25, 2024 at 11:29
• Sandi

Post 7342

Re: Happy Birthday to our Special Girl Biba Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Happy birthday miss bobs hope you have a wonderful day and get lots of treats and toys.

Sandi and Ollie, buster Robin and Presley at the bridge

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Jan 25, 2024 at 12:16
Post 1679

Re: Happy Birthday to our Special Girl Biba Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

BIG Happy Yappy Pawsome Birthday to you my Swedish Hunt Master!!! ♥ 
Hope you have a fun day and get lots of toys and yummy treats.
Oh yes and the angel EGang would be so proud of your adventurous cairntude for sure!! Sending you loads of sloppy kisses and squeezie huggies!xoxoxoxox Your Master Gradyxoxoxoxoxoxox

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Deb, Emmie, and Angel Kelsie
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Jan 25, 2024 at 14:37
• Deborah

Post 11444

Re: Happy Birthday to our Special Girl Biba Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Happy, happy, yappy Birfday Bestest Bibs! We hopes you are treated like da true Princess an mighty Huntress dat you are! Oh, I wishes I could be der wif you ta help you celebrate an I knows my Drew Boy will help you celebrate your special day! We lubs you so bery much an are so eggcited fer you!
Lub, bestest friend Emmie Sue (Drew's Girl), Mommy, an Angel Kelsie XXXXXXXX

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Jan 26, 2024 at 08:30
• allen
(New Jersey)

Post 1539

Re: Happy Birthday to our Special Girl Biba Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Happy birthday you cutie pie.

Have a wonderful day.

Love Riley and Allen.

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Bo Bryce
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Jan 28, 2024 at 17:52
• Louise

Post 6495

Re: Happy Birthday to our Special Girl Biba Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

A great big Happy Birthday Arrrrrrrrooooooooooo to our favorite girlie Biba from Bo Bryce & Jewel!!!!!  You are a very special sweet Cairn girl and we luv you very, very much!!!!!  Love BoBo Bryce, Jewel, and Mummy Louise

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