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Update on Jewel Reply to this Message

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Bo Bryce
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Dec 07, 2023 at 14:30
• Louise

Post 6469

Update on Jewel Vote for this post

Tuesday my Mummy took my foster sister Jewel to see an Internal Medicine Vet for a consultation.  Jewel has elevated liver enzymes.  Our Vet lady thought Jewel might have Cushings Disease and did the test for the typical type of Cushing Disease.  It came back negative.  The Internal Medicine Vet did an ultrasound on Jewel and it showed  abnormal changes in the right lobe of her liver.  He felt like it could be caused by Atypical Cushing which involves more involved detailed lab testing than what the usual Cushings test covers.  Our Mummy is making arrangements for Jewel to have the advanced testing.  Because of all her medical issues she is not ready to be adopted so St. Louis Scottish Terrier Rescue has changed her status to permanent foster.  My Mummy Louise and I are going to keep her and care for her so it looks like I have a new sister!!!!  St.LSTR continues to pay for her medical expenses.   My Mummy & I are asking all our TC terriers and parents to keep their paws crossed for Jewel as we try to help her.  Prayers also appreciated.  Jewel here, I am feeling just fine and am so happy to have my forever home!!!!  I love my Mummy & my brother Bo Bo Bryce!!!  Love Bo Bryce, Jewel, and our Mummy Louise

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Deb, Emmie, and Angel Kelsie
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Dec 07, 2023 at 17:07
• Deborah

Post 11405

Re: Update on Jewel Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Oh Bryce, we is keepin our paws crossed an sayin our prayers fer your sissie Jewel an hopin dat da dogters find out what's goin on and dat da can tweat it! We is so happy dat you an your Mommy decided ta keep her! You gots a sissie Bryce...yah!!! An Jewel, you gots a foreber home! We jus know dat your Mommy will make dis a Christmas ta remember fer bof a you!
Lub, your buddy Emmie Sue, Mommy, an Angel Kelsie

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Biba and Drew
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Dec 07, 2023 at 17:28
(United Kingdom)
Post 19249

Re: Update on Jewel Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Oh Bo Bryce this is the Bestest news ..we are sooo happy that Likkle Jewel is staying wiv yoo and mummy now and has a real furever home... and that mummy is taking care of her and getting the best dogtors ever to twy and help  and of course we send Big Prayers  to Jewel that all will be well and evewy day we will send them to yor hoose.....and yoo gots a sissie Bo Bryce!!!..Yaaay  yor first Cwistmas togevver....Hulloo Jewel..looks like yoo gots a Big Bro like I have my Drewboy...they is vewy good for keeping us warm when we want to snuggle ...Oh yes good hot water bottles  they are...well and a lot more as well!
Mummy hads a tear in her eye when she knewed Jewel was staying.
Big Huggies and kissies to yoo all
Lov Bibsy Drew and Mummy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Dec 07, 2023 at 19:20
• Sandi

Post 7304

Re: Update on Jewel Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Oh Bo Bryce, such good news and bad news, good news jewel has a wonderful new home and great big brother, hopefully they can find out what is wrong with jewel and help her, glad she is feeling good. It will be a great Christmas at your house
Will keep little jewel in thoughts and prayers.

Sandi and Ollie, buster Robin and Presley at the bridge

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Dec 07, 2023 at 19:21
• Sandi

Post 7305

Re: Update on Jewel Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Oh Bo Bryce, such good news and bad news, good news jewel has a wonderful new home and great big brother, hopefully they can find out what is wrong with jewel and help her, glad she is feeling good. It will be a great Christmas at your house
Will keep little jewel in thoughts and prayers.

Sandi and Ollie, buster Robin and Presley at the bridge

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Dec 08, 2023 at 11:51
Post 1639

Re: Update on Jewel Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

What wonderful news that Jewel has her forever home with you all !!! Congrats !! I hope tests bring answers and we'll keep sweet Jewel in our prayers xoxox

Hugs Sandra & Master Gradyxox

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Kolby (Angel Katy)
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Dec 08, 2023 at 19:42
• Jennifer

Post 2262

Re: Update on Jewel Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

I haven’t been on here in years - Katy was my Westie girl - she passed away at 14 three years ago. She grew up here on the TC. Now we have Kolby - our 9 year old rescue.
I am curious which liver values are high - Katy had a high Alk Phos, but other liver numbers were normal. She also had nodules on her liver - but her gallbladder was the source of her issues. When our vet put her on Ursodiol (human med), it really helped her. Thought I would share our experience in hopes it could maybe help you. Take Care :)

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Bo Bryce
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Dec 09, 2023 at 11:39
• Louise

Post 6470

Re: Update on Jewel Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Jennifer so happy to hear from you!!!!  I remember your Angel Katy very well.  Glad to hear you have adopted a rescue Kolby.  Thank you for your information.  I know all about Ursodiol.  It is a great medication. I had 3 Scotties & 1 Westie on it.  The issue with Jewel is that her ultrasound  looked normal including her gallbladder except the right lobe of her liver.  Her ALK. Phos. is the only enzyme which is elevated.  Her symptoms and changes in her liver is consistent with changes seen in Cushing Disease along with the elevated ALK. Phos.  There are other types of Cushing.  The typical Adrenal suppress Test done by your Vet is for the Typical form of Cushing. Hers was normal.   We are going to test for Atypical Cushing  which is a much more complex test.  Dogs with Atypical Cushing have normal Adrenal suppress tests so we need to do the more advanced test to rule out the Atypical Cushing next.  If that is normal then she may have to have a liver biopsy because the abnormal changes in her liver can be from something else including a tumor not yet visible on ultrasound.  

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Biba and Drew
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Dec 09, 2023 at 11:26
(United Kingdom)
Post 19250

Re: Update on Jewel Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

We remember you here Jennifer and lovely Katy..we are so sorry you had to say goodbye to her but lovely to see you post here and sure Louise will see this .we had Dear Eric and Gremmie when we first joined here.
Hugs to you and Kolby.
Annie Biba and Drew xxx

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