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We nots got decorations up yet!! Reply to this Message

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Biba and Drew
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Dec 05, 2023 at 16:40
(United Kingdom)
Post 19248

We nots got decorations up yet!! Vote for this post

Mummy nots put owr decorations up yet...Cum on Mummy we say!..she gots peeples in the cottages at work over Cwistmas...one couple are staying wiv three doggies and the cottage next to them a couple wiv one doggie...we wunder wot sort...Mummy has to put a twee up in the bigger cottage...and this week our wee twee cos we wuds get into twub wiv a full size one so she has to put a likkle one up away fwom prying paws she says...Drew wants fairy lights again so we better get them put sumwhar...maybe round his beddie Ha Ha ...I got into one of my pwesants and eated the ears off the balls...Mummy got daddy to take the sqweekers oot and Mummy cut off the leggies and ears to save me doing it myself...Boo Hoo..spoilsport mummy I say...she says I have been a real mischief...Cairns Rule OK!! I say...Has everybod else gots your decorations up?
Big Huggies and kissies to all Lov Bibs Drew and Mummy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Deb, Emmie, and Angel Kelsie
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Dec 05, 2023 at 18:49
• Deborah

Post 11404

Re: We nots got decorations up yet!! Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Hello Bestest Bibs an my Drew Boy! We gots a few Christmas fings scattered round but like you, we nots got a twee yet! We puts up a liddle twee too since Mommy nots want ta deal wif da kitties climbin it an carryin da ornaments away! Hee! Hee! At least you know you gots some toys...Mommy says her wait till closer ta Christmas ta ask Santa Paws fer toys fer me an my kitties. Her are such a spoil sport!! Afer all these years, you'd think her would trust me...da perfect tewwier girlie, ta behab an not snoop in da closets, but her says I gots nose twoubles an cans help myself when it comes ta pressies an such. Can you imagine dat??? Oh well, I are sure we'll get somethin since we've been so good dis year. What's dat Mommy? I hab been a liddle stinker at times?? Well, I neber! Da nerb a dat woman!! Oh well, Santa Paws knows who's been good an who hasn't I dare say! Hang in der bestest an my Drew! We is sure you'll get a twee an loads a pressies under it. Till den, I hopes you find out what kinds a doggos are stayin in da cottages an whether they are friendly or not!
Lub ta you all, Bestest Friend Emmie Sue (Drew's Girl) an Mommy XXXXXXXX

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Bo Bryce
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Dec 07, 2023 at 08:52
• Louise

Post 6468

Re: We nots got decorations up yet!! Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Our Mummy got our Christmas tree and decorations up.   Jewel & I never have seen anything like this.  Our Mummy said if we are good Santa Paws will bring us many treats and new toys.  We can't wait!!!!

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