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We own the beddie Reply to this Message

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Biba and Drew
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Nov 29, 2023 at 16:57
(United Kingdom)
Post 19246

We own the beddie Vote for this post

Well its like this...evewy night after we do owr last widdies ootside then we cum in and mummy gives us two pieces of dwied kibby for our tummy and we go and get a dwink of water from owr bowl then we sleep on mummy's beddie well I always lay in mummys spot and then she has to move me..Drew lies on the uvver side at the bottom of the beddie..he usually stays thar but before mummy could get into beddie he moved to the side she sleeps on and I got into the top part..we made her move over to the uvver side wiv her pillows so when she finished reading she also hads to get oot of beddie to turn the likkle bedside light off cos she cuds not reach it from her side then and anyway I wos all snoozie on my back in the place she wuds have been....Yaaaay we gots owr own way and we hope she gets the message now that we like that side of the beddie and she is the one that must obey!!
Where do yoo all sleep at night and wot routine do yoo have?
Lov Bibsy the boss Drew and Mummy  xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Nov 29, 2023 at 17:21
• Sandi

Post 7302

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I sleep in my Kennel, I was trained to sleep in it as a puppy by my former owners. Mom let's me out about 10 pm to do my business and make sure the yard is secure. She let's me in I head straight to my kennel,get a couple of treats Mom closes the dog and I sleep the night away.

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Deb, Emmie, and Angel Kelsie
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Nov 29, 2023 at 17:34
• Deborah

Post 11403

Re: We own the beddie Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Oh my, what a cushy life you gots bestest Bibs an my Drew! Like Ollie, I sleep in my crate wif my liddle puppy (I've had him since a were a wee pup!) Before beddy, I nap on da couch or watch TV wif my folks, Daddy takes me out about 9pm to do my last widdie and then I gets a snack. We gots a chimin clock dat bongs da hour an when it bongs 10pm. off I go to da bedroom where my crate is! I gots a heated pad in der in da winter an I is snug as a bug in a rug, dreamin bout my Drew Boy!
Lub to you all! Bestest Friend Emmie Sue (Drew's Girl) an Mommy XXXXXXXXXX

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Nov 29, 2023 at 19:41
• Mark

Post 1006

Re: We own the beddie Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Emmy is a very spoiled little terror (er, 'terrier').
She has a nice crate with a soft blanket, but that is only for travel now. Instead, she sleeps at the foot of our bed until lights out, then she nestles on my legs.

Yep, I'm just a big 'ol pillow for her comfort. Granted, she does allow me to occasionally toss or turn, then settles right back into place ... lucky me. Evelyn says I'm a pushover and I can't argue with that.

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Biba and Drew
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Nov 30, 2023 at 09:09
(United Kingdom)
Post 19247

Boo Hoo we don't own the beddie! Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

I am soo cwoss..last nightie mummy hads the cheek to move me and Drewboy back to owr own sides...I wos not best pleesed,,Drewboy just rolled over on his back and mummy gave him tummy rubs and a back massage...Hhmmm..I find sumfing else to assert my affority over tonight!!...Mummy says thar are lots of doggies who do not even have a soft blankie let alone a big hu beddie..Pwayers for those poor doggies we say.
Lov Bibsy Drew and Mummy  xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Nov 30, 2023 at 11:59
Post 1638

Re: We own the beddie Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Grady snoozes on the sofa during the evening. Gets his last potty run outdoors around 10:00 then trots to his crate for the night. We tried leaving him out to sleep with us on our bed but his busy mind would not settle. Nightly sleeping routine is his crate so he can get his batteries recharged over night. He wakes up bouncy and ready to zoom.

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