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Highland Games are back Reply to this Message

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Oct 21, 2023 at 17:33
Post 1601

Highland Games are back Vote for this post

Another reason I love autumn is The Highland Games come to town. The park is just a block away and I can sip my morning coffee listening to the bagpipes play.
Here's Grady all dressed in his kilt and ready to go.

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Oct 21, 2023 at 17:40
Post 1602

Re: Highland Games are back Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Grady has a wonderful time meeting people and posing for pictures.No one ever mistakes him for a westie or a scottie as every one comes up addressing him as a Cairn.Grady brings happy smiles to all he meets like this lady at the spinning wheel.

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Oct 21, 2023 at 17:45
Post 1603

Re: Highland Games are back Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

We stopped to say hello to the dancers after their performance. 
Grady behaved very well and no howling at the bagpipes this year.LOL

Hugs Sandra & Master Gradyxox

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Deb, Emmie, and Angel Kelsie
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Oct 22, 2023 at 09:05
• Deborah

Post 11364

Re: Highland Games are back Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Wowza! We lubs your piccies Master Grady an gib da 3rd one our POW! Your kilt matches da dancers perfectly an we wonders if they left you hab a spin before da called it a day!
Lub, your buddy, Emmie Sue (who woulda howled at dem bagpipers! Hee! Hee!)

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Bo Bryce
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Oct 22, 2023 at 16:10
• Louise

Post 6437

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A great big Arrrrrrrrrooooooo to you Grady, we love your kilt.  I am so glad you enjoyed The Highland Games as much as I did at our games in Columbus!!!  I loved getting my picture taken!!!  You are a real "Rock Star!" Our POW for your 3rd picture.  Love Bo Bryce, Foster Jewel, and all our Angels

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Biba & Andrew
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Oct 22, 2023 at 17:27
(United Kingdom)
Post 19202

Re: Highland Games are back Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Oh My Oh My Master Gwaady yoo making me all go quivery agains...just look at yoo and that Super tartan coat..we lov that and we just lov all the piccies but have given yoo POW for your 3rd one and matching the girlies kilts as well...I hope yoo did a wee jig wiv them all..they need yoo for their mascot we weckon...Big Smoochies and kissies from yor  Bibsy Drew and Mummy xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Oct 23, 2023 at 12:01
• allen
(New Jersey)

Post 1489

Re: Highland Games are back Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Sounds like another great time.

Riley does not like bagpipes he barks and growls.

Love Riley and Allen

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