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We hads a real rainy week and ... Reply to this Message

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Biba & Andrew
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Oct 20, 2023 at 17:17
(United Kingdom)
Post 19200

We hads a real rainy week and ... Vote for this post

We hads a real rainy week and the last two days non stop pouring doown..Mummy hads the Authors funeral on Monday which wos sad she says and hopes he in Wonderland now,Daddy went also wiv her...our walkies haves been limited wiv the doown pours  but Guess wot Mummy sawed this mooning when we were inside having owr Bwekkie...it wos in the shrubs on the top tewwace......she says it wos a WEASEL!!..well we never seened a weasel  but Mummy says she hopes I ots see it or else I better do one vewy swift quick bite cos they cans be nasty and bite me back..she says it wos a young one But watch this space I do say cos me and Drew is on the lookoot!!...we dids go to an collectibles fair on Sunday which was a nice dwy day and mummy wos real pleased cos she gots a new gold chain that takes the four mourning lockets ....me and Drew asked mummy wot they were cos we cuds see fur or sumfing in them...she seds Thar Thar noffing for me and Drew to wurry aboot  and it wos owr family.....Mummy's are stwange sumtimes I seds to Drew!..anyway I gots oot this afternoon wiv mummy after she finished worky cos sum peeples left the cottage and they hads a Westie gal called Florie..but now the owners of the estate are cuming over  also......we get sum piccies on this weekend to show yoo all.
Lots of places in UK have been flooded and we send them prayers but we OK  where we are.
Smoochies to my Grady and Drew sends Smoochies to My Bestest Fwend and his gal Emmie Sue and Huggies and kissies to everyone here.Lov Bibsy Drew and Mummy xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Deb, Emmie, and Angel Kelsie
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Oct 20, 2023 at 18:57
• Deborah

Post 11363

Re: We hads a real rainy week and ... Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Hello Bestest Bibs an my Drew! Oh my, I dons like da sound a dat weasel bein so close ta your house! Da is bad news Mommy says an will put a bite on you real quick! Best ta stay away from him an keep your beaders on squirrelies an udder vermin! I do agree...Mommies can be bery strange at times but we gots ta lub dem anyways! We be watchin fer your piccies an wonders if you gots any a dat Westie, Florie? We waits ta see when you gets da time. Take care an hab a good ebenin. We is thinkin bout all a you an sendin our lub too! Hope da rain leabs so you can get out more!
Lub, bestest friend Emmie Sue (Drew's Girl) an Mommy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Oct 21, 2023 at 11:25
Post 1600

Re: We hads a real rainy week and ... Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Oh no a soggy week! Hope that rain goes away and more sunny days come your way.Whats that  you say a WEASEL! We don't see them here. Stay safe Drew and my sweet Bibsy....weasels can be biters. Awww so nice you had a westie guest.
We look forward to seeing some fun pictures of you both. 

Hugs Sandra & Master Gradyxox

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Bo Bryce
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Oct 22, 2023 at 16:16
• Louise

Post 6438

Re: We hads a real rainy week and ... Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Oh Biba & Drew I hope all that rainy stuff is over.  We had some rain here the past week but not as bad as what you had.  I have never seen a Weasel before!!!!  Our Mummy says she hopes we never do!!!!!  Love Bo Bryce, foster Jewel and our Angel gang

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Oct 23, 2023 at 11:58
• allen
(New Jersey)

Post 1488

Re: We hads a real rainy week and ... Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

WE had rainy days here as well.

Come on sunshine!!!!!!!

Love Riley and Allen

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