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Emmie's 9th Barkday! Reply to this Message

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Deb, Emmie, and Angel Kelsie
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Aug 13, 2023 at 08:55
• Deborah

Post 11305

Emmie's 9th Barkday! Vote for this post

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Aug 13, 2023 at 08:58
Post 5869

Re: Emmie's 9th Barkday! Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Happy birthday little one. Looks like she scored some nice toys. Love the cushion btw.

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Deb, Emmie, and Angel Kelsie
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Aug 13, 2023 at 09:02
• Deborah

Post 11306

Re: Emmie's 9th Barkday! Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Happy Barkday ta me! I are 9 years young taday an I gots pressies from my Drew (a big green turtle!) an a Bunny Wubba from my Bestest Bibs! Oh, an a Westie magnet from der Mummy, Annie! I fanks you all SO much an I lubs you all! XXXXX Mommy an Daddy gots me anudder Lambie Chop an Mommy promises me a bit a chickie fer din-din! Oh, I lubs barkdays, da are da bestest! 
 Deb here! I can't believe Emmie is 9 years old today! It seems like yesterday we brought a feisty, fun loving puppy home and named her Emmie Sue! Happy Barkday sweetie, Daddy and I love you more than you can ever imagine!
Love, Emmie Sue (da Barkday Girlie!) an Mommy

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Aug 13, 2023 at 10:32
• allen
(New Jersey)

Post 1451

Re: Emmie's 9th Barkday! Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Have a great birthday.

Hope you get more treats and maybe a steak for dinner.

Love Riley and Allen

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Aug 13, 2023 at 11:01
• Sandi

Post 7226

Re: Emmie's 9th Barkday! Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Happy barkday emmie sue. It's hard to believe that you are 9 years old. Looks like you got lots of goodies.

Deb I have the same pillow.

Sandi and Ollie, buster Robin and Presley at the bridge

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Aug 13, 2023 at 12:40
Post 1543

Re: Emmie's 9th Barkday! Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Miss Emmie Sue I say you are one LUCKY LUCKY PUP!!! Just look at that great haul of toys and you have the best Mommy and Daddy in the world and loved bunches!! And a starry eyed Drewboy that adores you so much...yep you is loved by your friends here too! Big Happy 9th birthday to you!! Hope you have some yummy treats for dinner. 
BTW we have that lovely westie pillow too...You look adorable in the chair with it!!
Hugs and barks Sandra and Master Gradyxox

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Bo Bryce
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Aug 13, 2023 at 14:07
• Louise

Post 6401

Re: Emmie's 9th Barkday! Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

A big Happy Birthday Arrrrrrrrooooooo to you Miss Emmie from you new TC friend Bryce!!!!!!  Love Bryce, & Angels Caesar, Kinzie, Judah & Murphy

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Aug 14, 2023 at 12:32
Post 1546

Re: Emmie's 9th Barkday! Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Hi Miss Emmie Sue we are back today to give you our POW vote for your darling picture! Hope your day was filled with a lovely celebration.
Hugs Sandra & Master Gradyxox

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Biba & Andrew
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Aug 14, 2023 at 17:13
(United Kingdom)
Post 19141

Re: Emmie's 9th Barkday! Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Big Big Birfday kissies to yoo EmmieSue  and I lov yoo loads and missed yoo...sowwy we hads compooter pwobs and mummy been sooo busy we things since we got home but we just adore yor piccie and wills be back tomowwow to gib iow,we are so pweesed yoo liked yor gifties and we sure yoo had a lovely birfday din dins...Loads of lov and kissies from yor Drew Bestest fwend Bibs and Mummy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Biba & Andrew
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Aug 15, 2023 at 13:18
(United Kingdom)
Post 19145

Re: Emmie's 9th Barkday! Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

We just camed back and gibbed yoo POW EmmieSue..Whooo Hooo for this piccie
Big Smoochies from Drew and Huggies from me Bestest fwend Bibs and Mummy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Biba & Andrew
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Aug 15, 2023 at 13:18
(United Kingdom)
Post 19146

Re: Emmie's 9th Barkday! Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

We just camed back and gibbed yoo POW EmmieSue..Whooo Hooo for this piccie
Big Smoochies from Drew and Huggies from me Bestest fwend Bibs and Mummy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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