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Happy 6th birthday Ollie Reply to this Message

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Jul 19, 2023 at 08:04
• Sandi

Post 7207

Happy 6th birthday Ollie Vote for this post

Happy 6th birthday to my sweet little Ollie.  I have only had you for 6 months. but you are the love of my life, a sweet happy little guy. 

Happy birthday little man.

love  mom

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Deb, Emmie, and Angel Kelsie
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Jul 19, 2023 at 08:47
• Deborah

Post 11290

Re: Happy 6th birthday Ollie Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Happy yappy Barkday Ollie! We knows your Mom will make sure you hab a great day wif loads a tweets an snugglies!
Lub, Emmie Sue

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Jul 19, 2023 at 09:00
Post 5859

Re: Happy 6th birthday Ollie Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Happy birthday Ollie, hope you get spoilt on your special day.

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Jul 19, 2023 at 13:39
Post 1526

Re: Happy 6th birthday Ollie Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Happy Happy 6 th Birthday to you Ollie. Your first one in your new home. Hope you and your mom have a special celebration planned. 

Hugs Sandra & Master Gradyxox

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Biba & Andrew
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Jul 20, 2023 at 16:32
(United Kingdom)
Post 19126

Re: Happy 6th birthday Ollie Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Happy Birfday and Big kissies Dear Ollie and  6 is a gwate fun age to be we say and we hope to see a Birfday piccie soon maybe and hope yoo hads a Jolly Ollie day...Huggies from Bibsy Drew and Mummy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Jul 22, 2023 at 13:36
• allen
(New Jersey)

Post 1442

Re: Happy 6th birthday Ollie Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Hope you had a great birthday!!!!!!!

Love Riley and Allen

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