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Mar 26, 2023 at 22:12 (Australia)
Post 5774     
Sadie's first Bunnings outing

Mar 26, 2023 at 22:13 (Australia)
Post 5775     
Re: Sadie's first Bunnings outing

Mar 26, 2023 at 22:15 (Australia)
Post 5776     
Re: Sadie's first Bunnings outing
After a rough start I was really pleased with how well she sat in the trolley. She bunjee jumped over the side luckily I tether them in I went to grab her and fell over the staff at the hardware store were lovely. i was embarassed. But finally we start strolling along and it was quite a nice visit.
Deb, Emmie, and Angel Kelsie

Mar 27, 2023 at 09:28 • Deborah (Pennsylvania)
Post 11189     
Re: Sadie's first Bunnings outing
Ah, just love the pic of both of them in the cart! Our POW for sure! You are so lucky that you get to take them places. About the only place that lets dogs in here is the local Tractor Supply Store and you never know what other dogs will be there at any time (no muzzles, no carts, just straining on a leash). Love, Deb and Emmie

Mar 28, 2023 at 05:23 (Australia)
Post 5777     
Australia is still very behind the times when it comes to dogs. Bunnings (Hardware/garden centre) allows dogs in a trolley or on a lead muzzled. And apart from dog stores like Petbarn, Best Friends, Petstock that is about it for taking your little ones along.

Mar 27, 2023 at 09:48 • Sandi (Nebraska)
Post 7121     
Re: Sadie's first Bunnings outing
What a couple of sweet heart. Looks like they had a good time. Second pic iow.
Sandi and Ollie, buster Robin and Presley at the bridge
Biba & Andrew

Mar 27, 2023 at 12:55 (United Kingdom)
Post 19024      
Re: Sadie's first Bunnings outing
Oh My osh look at that picture of Cairn mischief!!LOL...we love these pictures and have given the one of both in the cart POW...but that Sadie face says it all..hope you are ready for a wild ride Diana with her ,Thank you for sharing the pictures and look forward to more.Hugs Annie Biba and Drew xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Mar 27, 2023 at 14:18 (Idaho)
Post 1433    
Re: Sadie's first Bunnings outing
What lovely pictures of Izzy and Sadie! POW for the one with them both in the cart. Sorry to hear you lost your footing, with a first trip out Sadie sees the world as her playground and just wants to jump out to investigate. Gradys first time at the hardware store he pooped in the bedding in the about embarrassing.LOL

Mar 28, 2023 at 05:26 (Australia)
Post 5778     
Oh no. I wasn't sure if she would piddle with excitement but thankfully no. She did the other day while I was standing out the front I held her up for a neighbour to see and she piddled down the side of my top/pants. My back was a bit stiff today but apart from that I am fine thankfully.