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Feb 25, 2023 at 11:48
Post 5738

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Feb 25, 2023 at 11:52
Post 5739

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Caught them mid play. Sadie has just had her 2nd puppy vaccination (a week late due to me being ill last weekend) she now weighs 3.4kg @ 13 weeks. 2 weeks to go before she can go on her first walk. She is definitely the 'wildchild'. She is not fond of the car her 2nd ride she was very vocal on the way down to the vets (she is in the pet carrier) her carrier sits on the seat next to Izabella.

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Feb 25, 2023 at 11:56
Post 1394

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Oh my goodness two adorable looking cuties!!! Izzy looks like she is smiling and I just love baby Sadie with her fluffy ears and darling expression. I vote POW for your fun capture Diana.
Hugs Sandra & Master Gradyxox

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Feb 25, 2023 at 12:14
Post 5740

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Thanks Sandra, Sadie is a messy one that's for sure. She is not happy for her toys of which she has many to be in the toy box and of course is going thru the ripping stage along with the biting stage. Thankfully she seems (I say seems) to be getting on top of the toilet training. Izzy I think enjoys her time apart from her overnight so will keep that going for at least the next 12 months or so. I did that with Izzy and Matilda and Matilda with Kelsi and Hannah (that actually ended up being 18 months as Matilda was so settled of a night). She met my Dad and younger brother the other day when they called in he picked her up to pat her as she is such a live wire. My sister hasn't met her yet due to illness and of course I am not willing to take her anywhere until she has had her full vaccinations. I may even delay taking her for a walk for longer than the 2 weeks recommended by the vets. I can practice with her around the house and out in our yard. She met Dad's Westie Mollie who is well versed with pups (she was an ex-breeding show dog) and just ignored her antics.

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Feb 25, 2023 at 12:36
Post 1397

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All in stride Diana your doing so well and both Izzy and Sadie look so great! The teething time can be tough,they sure like to chew a lot and not always on toys.
Furniture ,fingers ,rugs just about anything can be dessert and a gum soother as well.I discovered Nylabone chews were a risk and had to watch very carefully as Grady would chew down to eat the plastic. I was extra cautious as well with Grady and delayed taking him out until 3 weeks after his last puppy vacs. 

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Feb 26, 2023 at 02:30
Post 5743

Nylabone chew Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

She has quite a few different ones but shows very little interest in the little bone one with nodules. But will definitely keep an eye on her with that one. I did consider waiting until after her 3rd vaccination but I do think she would benefit from starting as soon as she is allowed. I will avoid the parks (I do that anyway) and strange dogs. We still have 2 weeks to go before she is considered safe.

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Feb 25, 2023 at 15:00
• Sandi

Post 7097

Re: Troublemakers Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Oh how cute, izzy looks so happy. They look like they are having so much fun. Sadie is growing up so fast

Sandi Presley Ollie, buster and Robin at the 3

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Feb 25, 2023 at 15:01
• Sandi

Post 7098

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Oh how cute, izzy looks so happy. They look like they are having so much fun. Sadie is growing up so fast

Sandi Presley Ollie, buster and Robin at the 3

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Deb, Emmie, and Angel Kelsie
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Feb 25, 2023 at 15:04
• Deborah

Post 11157

Re: Troublemakers Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Oh what an adorable photo of Izzy and Sadie! We just had to give it our POW! It looks like you might have caught them right after a good zoomy session...or just taking a break from playing with all their toys! We are so very happy to see how happy Izzy looks and so glad that Sadie is filling a void in her life.
Love, Deb and Emmie

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Feb 26, 2023 at 02:33
Post 5744

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Izz had been sleeping most of the time before Sadie arrived and for a young dog (she is only 7) it seemed quite sad to see her that inactive. She did put on a bit of weight too but I think with Sadie around she will soon lose it. She is very tolerant of Sadie but will let her know when she has had enough.

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Robin + Mischief @ the Bridge
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Feb 26, 2023 at 22:26
• Robin
(Rhode Island)

Post 3662

Re: Troublemakers Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

They're both so cute! Izzy looks like she's getting into mischief and Sadie looks like she's saying "Who me? I'm adorable! I didn't do anything!" I'm glad Izzy has perked up and acting like herself again. 

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Feb 26, 2023 at 02:28
Post 5742

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I am going to start taking Sadie for a walk (not the park) after the next 2 weeks are up I think it will help settle her down. I did consider waiting until after the final vaccination but the vet assured me that 2 weeks after this recent vaccination is fine. I will just be more careful when it comes to other dogs. The slow feeding bowl was a little bigger than I had hoped so I had to tip hers back into her normal bowl will get a smaller one for her. It certainly worked really well with Izzy. Her toilet training is coming along really nicely the past 3-4 days so hopefully that will continue. She is still a bit bitey but will work on that. Sadie adores Izzy and Izz is very good with her but will let her know when she has had enough. They are both snoozing under the computer desk right now.

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Biba & Andrew
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Feb 27, 2023 at 09:18
(United Kingdom)
Post 18986

Re: Troublemakers Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Ooooh wee!! what a picture we say..and just like owr hoose wiv them toys and Sadie...yoo are certainly going to rule the hoose!!...such a happy piccie and we have given POW for sure...yoo will soon gwow into those luggies but watch yoo dont take off before that happens Hee Hee...a true wee cairn bundle and Izzy looks so happy and pretty..
Hugs and kisses Bibs Drew and Mummy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Feb 27, 2023 at 12:06
• allen
(New Jersey)

Post 1368

Re: Troublemakers Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

They are just adorable!!!!!!

Love Riley and Allen

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