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The 'Wildchild' is 11 weeks old now... Reply to this Message

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Feb 10, 2023 at 19:46
Post 5730

The 'Wildchild' is 11 weeks old now... Vote for this post

May be an image of dog and indoor

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Feb 10, 2023 at 19:47
Post 5731

Re: The 'Wildchild' is 11 weeks old now... Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

The breeder said she was the 'wildchild'. She has been testing those teeth the last couple of days. I'd prefer she keep using them on Izz.

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Feb 10, 2023 at 20:03
• Sandi

Post 7084

Re: The 'Wildchild' is 11 weeks old now... Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Love her ears almost up.she is so cute iow for sure.

Sandi Presley, ollie,buster and Robin at the bridge

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Biba & Andrew
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Feb 11, 2023 at 04:02
(United Kingdom)
Post 18968

Re: The 'Wildchild' is 11 weeks old now... Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

POW Sadie...and wot a wild child yoo going to be..that look is in your beaders for sure....yoo can only get wilder Hee Hee!!Lov and kissies Bibsy Drew and Mummy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Deb, Emmie and Angel Kelsie
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Feb 11, 2023 at 08:47
• Deborah

Post 11142

Re: The 'Wildchild' is 11 weeks old now... Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Oh liddle Sadie, you is beyond cute! We eagerly await hearing all bout you an Izzy's adventures as you grow up! POW fer dis gorgeous piccie a you! Mommy are amazed dat you sat still long enuff fer your Mommy ta take da pic!
Lub, your buddy, Emmie Sue

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Feb 11, 2023 at 09:05
Post 1375

Re: The 'Wildchild' is 11 weeks old now... Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

What a little darling she is!!! Oh Diana this is a beautiful picture of Sadie!! One to frame I say.Gets our POW!! 
Know just what you mean about those tiny razor sharp baby teeth. When Grady was teething I had many encounters with the rip and pull on my fingers. Went through a few boxes of bandages.It will pass once those adult teeth come cutting through.Has she managed to destory any rubber chickens yet? Hopefully Sadie takes her nibbles to the toys and Miss Izzybear can escape her playful bits.

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