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Bear 🐻 in Mind Reply to this Message

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Feb 03, 2023 at 18:23
Post 1368

Bear 🐻 in Mind Vote for this post

Think the Bear...be the Bear
I check out this statue bear daily hoping he'll move but he never does.
Seen Mom take bags to the closet today saying you can't see Grady till your birthday comes in a few weeks. What a teaser she is.

Barks to all my pals...🐾 🐾 Master Gradyxoxox

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Deb, Emmie and Angel Kelsie
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Feb 04, 2023 at 08:52
• Deborah

Post 11136

Re: Bear 🐻 in Mind Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Anudder POW from us Master Grady! Belieb me, you dons want dat bear ta move! Da real ones ain't near as much fun an da gots big sharp toofers!
Lub, your buddy, Emmie Sue

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Member PageMember Page
Feb 04, 2023 at 16:18
Post 5725

Re: Bear 🐻 in Mind Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Birthday presents..... sounds exciting. Bad news about the bear though.

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presley and Ollie
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Feb 05, 2023 at 09:39
• Sandi

Post 7080

Re: Bear 🐻 in Mind Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Oh Grady, birthday presents how  fun.  IOW

sandi, presley, ollie, buster and robin at the bridge

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Biba & Andrew
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Feb 05, 2023 at 15:44
(United Kingdom)
Post 18961

Re: Bear 🐻 in Mind Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Master Grady...Just look at yoo looking all regal and waiting for Bid Day pwessies and that Bear to move Hee Hee....we give yoo POW for this handsum piccie and Mummy going to pm your mummy re your B Day...we beens to the cotwolds over the weekend so sowwy we late weplying..
Big Smoochies and huggies fwom yor Bibsy Drew and Mummy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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