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Matilda update Reply to this Message

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Oct 18, 2022 at 01:31
Post 5596

Matilda update Vote for this post

May be an image of dog and indoor

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Oct 18, 2022 at 01:31
Post 5597

Re: Matilda update Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Matilda is not doing well on cyclosporin started again Monday and yes she puked again. I sent updates to the dermatologist (don't get me started on them) and still waiting have been waiting since 9am this morning 'we will get back to you' then the stupid questions 'what mg is she on' 'how are you giving it to her', 'has she had the blood test as yet'. 50mg (you prescribed it) as per your directions and no she has not been on the medication for a full week yet. Why the heck do I bother with them? Not impressed!

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Deb, Emmie, and Angel Kelsie
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Oct 18, 2022 at 09:08
• Deborah

Post 11033

Re: Matilda update Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

It drives me nuts when all you want are some sensible answers and the vet goes off on a bunch of questions that they already know the answer to! You must be so very frustrated and only want to help poor Matilda. Keeping both of you in my prayers and hope you get somewhere with them soon!
Love, Deb and Emmie Sue

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Oct 18, 2022 at 09:18
• allen
(New Jersey)

Post 1300

Re: Matilda update Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

She looks a little depressed.

Hope she can rebound and feel better.

Love Riley and Allen

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Oct 18, 2022 at 09:23
• Sandi

Post 6981

Re: Matilda update Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

The poor little girl.she looks like she doesn't feel good
It must be frustrating that the vets aren't getting any answers
Sandi Presley, buster and Robin at the bridge

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Oct 18, 2022 at 14:27
Post 5599

Re: Matilda update Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

She was having a snuggle with her 'doggy dog' as we call him. She was feeling quite good and had been chasing Izzy around the house. I didn't give her the capsule last night as I was waiting on further instructions from the dermatologist.

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Biba & Andrew
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Oct 18, 2022 at 12:44
(United Kingdom)
Post 18835

Re: Matilda update Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Diana I really feel for you and of course Wee Matilda who is looking rather fed up..it must be so frustrating and also upsetting not to be getting nice results  from the specialists and also something for Matilda that will work and not upset her...we send Prayers and positive thoughts that something good will happen very soon and will look for updates..please know we are thinking of you.
Hugs and kisses Annie Biba and Drew xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Oct 18, 2022 at 14:31
Post 5600

Re: Matilda update Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Maddie doesn't particularly like her photo taken but I do feel she is fed up with all the treatments. And the constant comment of 'don't lick' She is at the point now when she would rather hide under the table than have cream etc applied so I've started to give her a small treat after treatment in the hope she will associate it with something good. But of course Izzy feels she needs to have a treat too. Not that she needs any!

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Oct 18, 2022 at 14:24
Post 5598

Re: Matilda update Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Thank you. I waited all day for a response from the dermatologist and didn't not get one. I did not give Matilda the capsule last night and there was no vomiting. I just had one of my so called Westie friends criticize me on FB in her words "My heart goes out to you both Diana, sorry but l find it hard to believe that you’ve a problem with giving your little one ‘ Nexgard’ & the potential poisoning & yet you’ve your darlings on constant medications"

In my reply to her I said there is a world of difference treating known infections compared to treating her with insecticide for a condition she might not even have (mites). What do you expect me to do ignore her infections? I said I was disappointed in her comments.

I do not flea treat my girls and our vet has been very accepting of this and it is the right choice for us but against my better judgement I did as the dermatologist asked she has had one dose so far but it hasn't helped at all. I feel they are just grasping at straws and have no idea how to treat her.

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Oct 19, 2022 at 10:27
Post 1256

Re: Matilda update Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Awww Sweet Matilda her expression sure does look sad. Heartbreaking that she has a return of the infection on her front along with her tummy not agreeing to the medications. Just heartbreaking for you both! I can understand your worry and dilemma with the specialists. May need to look elsewhere for another course of action. Diana how horrible that someone decided to be cruel with a ridiculous comparison on FB. You have support here and also our prayers. Hoping you find a dermatologist that can help with Matilda so she can start feeling better soon.

Hugs Sandra & Grady xox

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Oct 20, 2022 at 17:59
Post 5605

Re: Matilda update Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Thanks Sandra, I was very surprised by her comments and ended up deleting (as she posted again) the comments on my FB page. Matilda has been under the care of the dermatologist (as well as the vet) for the last 10 months as the vet said they had run out of options. Hoping that the allergy vaccine made up to her requirements would work well for her but as she is on this constant cycle of recurring infections (mostly bacteria) that we can't seem to get on top of it all. We even tried the raw food diet but due to her tummy issues and skin it wasn't successful it actually made her skin break out even more. Given her skin issues are due to environmental factors we did try changing her diet in the hope it may help fight off infection but knew it wouldn't be the only answer.

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Oct 20, 2022 at 05:12
Post 5601

MATILDA VET UPDATE 20-10 Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Matilda has lots of crustiness around her muzzle so plenty of bacteria there and around her vulva and paws but no detectable yeast. She had cytology done on her paws etc, her ears were checked too. So waiting to hear from the dermatologist what we will do to treat the bacteria. The dermatologist said we can try 25mg Neoral (Cyclosporin) but I am not hopeful as the larger dose was no good for her. She couldn't tolerate it we tried twice with 3 days in between each try but she couldn't keep her food down. So we will try the smaller dose and see what happens. I do have to order her allergy vaccine on Monday she used up the last at the vets today. Whether that will help her (it hasn't so far) time will tell. The vet did say today for a Westie that has been thru so much treatment you certainly can't see that reflected in the condition of her skin and paws etc. She isn't missing any hair but her paws are black on top and at least one of her pads is red. She also said she is the most complex case she has ever seen. Because she is resistant to many of the antibiotic options it makes treating her condition extremely hard. My poor little lass.

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Deb, Emmie, and Angel Kelsie
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Oct 20, 2022 at 09:17
• Deborah

Post 11034

Re: MATILDA VET UPDATE 20-10 Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Diana, we are keeping you and Matilda in our prayers and hope the vets come up with some drug she can tolerate. There are new drugs coming all the time and surely, they can find something to help your wee lass. I hope your vet is consulting with others to see what they can come up with.
Love, Deb and Emmie

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Oct 20, 2022 at 10:57
• Sandi

Post 6982

Re: MATILDA VET UPDATE 20-10 Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Oh Diana, the poor little girl, hope the vets can find something to help her.  she must be miserable.

keeping her and thoughts and prayers  god bless her.

sandi and presley, buster and robin at the bridge

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Oct 20, 2022 at 15:46
Post 5602

Matilda's dermatologist Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

I will try my best to help but I am
very much at the mercy of what Matilda tolerates in terms of gut sensitivity
and skin sensitivity.

We have been stuck in the vicious
cycle of infections and itch. Atopica/Neoral is aimed at catapulting us out of
this so I hope the Atopica at least will be tolerated. If not then we will need
to talk about some less frequently used options (and these are not without
their own side effect risks too; they are generally more potentially dangerous

Having said that, we still need to
clear any current infections. Let me know what the vets first. Add to this to the
(very likely) growing list of antibiotic resistances we've collected along the way
and we don't have many practical antibiotic options left. The daily topical
disinfectants (pink spray) was irritating the skin. This leaves us with no easy


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Oct 20, 2022 at 15:54
Post 5603

Matilda - thyroid test Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

I am going to ask the vet whether we should retest Matilda's thyroid as 12 months ago she had a test that showed abnormal findings she had an ultrasound which showed an enlarged pancreas the vet said she had a slight temperature and thought her lymph nodes were raised she was concerned she might have a thyroid tumour. We went to a specialist who said he was 'unconvinced' by her test results so we left it at that. I've been doing some more reading and some of the side effects of the thyroid (not necessarily a tumour) can be blackened skin (she has that on the top of her paws and around her vulva) and recurring skin infections which is something she definitely has. I feel it would be worth checking again just to rule it out. She is definitely an environmental allergy Westie she has had all the testing and been under the care of a Dermatologist for 10 months now. I am about to order another 6 months of her specially developed allergy vaccine on Monday.

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Oct 20, 2022 at 16:40
• Sandi

Post 6983

Re: Matilda - thyroid test Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Diana, thank you for the updates on Matilda, doesn't sound like the vets really know what to do.  You are wise to want another thyroid test.  sounds like it could be the problem.

You are like me, when something is said, I will do research to see what other information is out there.  

I feel so sorry for poor little matilda, I hope they can find something that will help her.

god bless her.

sandi and presley, buster and robin at the bridge

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Oct 20, 2022 at 17:48
Post 5604

Re: Matilda - thyroid test Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Thanks Sandi, the only thing about 'research' I have to be careful not to do too much as "Dr Google" can be a little overwhelming in its info and not all of it is proven fact. I know my previous vet was not a fan of Dr Google. But at times it can prove beneficial. My first Westie Kelsi was on the more expensive Atopica capsules $140/month for years until one day I did some research on the internet to find there was a generic brand (the vet said I am not sure it will work) not only was it slightly cheaper $100 but worked better than the expensive brand. At the end of the day $40/month in my pocket was a much better deal for us. Now of course they have Neoral and the price varies greatly 50mg is $80/month yet 30mg, 25mg, 10mg are all around $40-$45 (these are supplied by the human chemist stores). On top of that the Dermatologist charges $30 per script. If and that's a big IF Matilda can stay on Neoral I will ask the vet what they charge for a script I think it was $20. When I trialed Izzy on Neoral 2.5 years ago the 50mg was only $41. I did get a price on the liquid Atopica $275/month but that's not an option for Matilda dosing her twice a day and her tummy issues.

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