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We had a nice walkie yesterday Reply to this Message

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Biba and Andrew
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Jul 06, 2020 at 16:59
(United Kingdom)
Post 18023

We had a nice walkie yesterday Vote for this post

We wented out in the motor car yesterday and to a likkle town called Ludlow where we beens before...we saw  more doggies and Mummy and Daddy sat wiv us ootside and had a bwekkie...and then we wented to a Big Garden whar they had lots of intewsting plants and a Big Veggie garden and lots of Roses growing...We hope evewyone had a nice weekend...Huggies and kissies fwom Bibs and Drew xxxxxxxxBig Kissies to my EmmieSue from Drew and Slurpy kissies to Mr Gwady from his Bibs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Deb, Emmie and Angel Kelsie
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Jul 06, 2020 at 17:35
• Deborah

Post 10286

Re: We had a nice walkie yesterday Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Oh my, it sounds like you had a lubly time explorin! We gots hot, hot, hot temps in da 90's an Mommy an Daddy only lettin me outside ta do my business during the day. Early in da mornin an afer da sun goes down, we goes fer a walkie but I is ready fer a good ole chippie hunt. I guess it are too hot fer dem too cause we nots seein dem in da garden....I hopes my Drew's paw are gettin all better an dat bestest is stayin away from fox poo!! Wishin bof a you a good nighter an remember, I lubs you bof lots an lots!
Lub, bestest friend Emmie Sue (Drew's Girl) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

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Robin and presley
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Jul 06, 2020 at 19:10
• Sandi

Post 6309

Re: We had a nice walkie yesterday Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Sounds  like you had a great time. I am so glad the 4th is over. It was so noise and we didn't  sleep very well  

It is going to be really hot and humid  this week. Probably  will walk very early  in the  morning .

Sandi and Presley buster and robin at the bridge 

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Jul 07, 2020 at 16:02
Post 481

Re: We had a nice walkie yesterday Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Your visit to Ludlow sounds like so much fun. Did you get to walk the castle grounds Drew and Miss Bibs? Nice that you saw some doggies while you were there.Today we took a long walk,weather is 15 degrees cooler today. By Thursday we'll be back into the 90's and hot!
Grady here...Miss Bibs...do ya like ice cubes? I got one and did a kick fling and lost it under the frig, good ole mom got me another one.
Mom and Dad got lots of new grass put in the backyard and have been very busy. I have to wait to go run on it cause mom says it needs to grow roots. But last night I sprang through the doorway and got a good ole manic run...zooming with glee like a whirlwind  through the very wet green carpet. Even had some grass in my nails and mouth . Well..after all I got  to make sure it was good enough to chew on..ya know. 
Sending whisker wet kisses to my Miss Huntress Bibs xoxoxox Keep those beaders on the look out for vermins.

Hugs Sandra and Master Grady xox

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