
Born: Dec. 15th 2001
Breed: Female Cairn
Residence: Burlington, ONT, Canada
Weight: 12 pounds
Favorite food: I love everything, even vegetables.
Favorite toy: My stuffed squirrel.
Favorite activity: Socialising with EVERYBODY!
Special talents: If you like me, I will lay on my back and beg for a tummy rub.
Most embarrassing moment: My friend Lewis the St. Bernard got too cosy with me and my Mommy took a picture of us. I could die!
Most trouble I ever got into: I got into a package of chocolate and pigged out. Not only did I get in trouble, I got really REALLY sick!
My favorite friends: Brother Bailey and my entire neighborhood, including dogs, cats AND people, big and small.
Biggest adventure: I went all the way to Ottawa and back in one day.
Member since 01/07/2006