Murphy Mac

Born: June, 2002
Breed: Male Westie
Residence: Woodland hills, California
Weight: 20 pounds
Favorite food: Bannas, and dog bones.
Favorite toy: A teddy bear that I sleep with every night.
Favorite activity: Running after birds diging in the groung, and ajilty.
Most embarrassing moment: When mt mom got me I didn't know how to walk on tile. I was chasing afrter something and I sliped on the tile I tried to get back up but I kept falling.
Most trouble I ever got into: My mom left me alone for 10 mins when she came back I made 2 holes in the couches I got in so much trouble.
My favorite friends: Roxis, and cindly lo.
Biggest adventure: The first time I went out side I went in to the bushes and got lost for 5 mins. my mom had to get me out.
Member since 06/05/2003