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Not a fun 4th of July!!!!!! Reply to this Message

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Bo Bryce
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Jul 05, 2024 at 19:03
• Louise

Post 6532

Not a fun 4th of July!!!!!! Vote for this post

Well we had several bad storms yesterday on the 4th of July.  Poor Bo Bryce doesn't do well in storms.  He barked and barked and climbed up next to me.  Our electricity went out along with the internet & TV.  The electricity came back but we had no internet or TV until this morning.  Fireworks all evening and until after midnight.  No sleep for me and BoBo!!!!  Jewel, bless her heart, slept through the fireworks!!!!!  Not a fun 4th of July!!!!!!  Mummy Louise, BoBo Bryce, Jewel, & Angels Caesar, Kinzie, Judah, and Murphy

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Jul 05, 2024 at 19:24
• Sandi

Post 7451

Re: Not a fun 4th of July!!!!!! Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Oh louise,sounds like a bad night. I know what you mean about storms, we have had are share of storms and aren't done yet
Ollie Doesn't like them either. He spent most of the night laying on top if me.

Sounds like jewel had the right idea sleep through it. Take care

Sandi and Ollie, buster Robin and Presley at the bridge

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Deb, Emmie, and Angel Kelsie
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Jul 06, 2024 at 09:06
• Deborah

Post 11557

Re: Not a fun 4th of July!!!!!! Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Oh Louise, not sure which is worse...the thunderboomers or the fireworks! Whichever, sounds like they ruined what should have been a fun day for all of you. We are so lucky that loud noises don't bother Emmie! Hope you have a better rest of your weekend with good weather and no fireworks!
Love, Deb, Emmie, and Angel Kelsie

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Jul 06, 2024 at 10:31
• Mark

Post 1014

Re: Not a fun 4th of July!!!!!! Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

July 4th is never fun for us either. Emmy is a tough little Cairn, but fireworks always freak her out. What bothers me most is that we live in a canyon area where wildfires are a huge risk and even though personal fireworks are illegal in LA county there are so many folks that just ignore the law... It's havoc from 5pm to 3am the next morning!

By dawn, our valley is smoky, we can't even see the downtown buildings from our hillside home and the AQI (air quality) numbers are so high we have to stay indoors all day on July 5th.

To keep Emmy calm, we've learned to close all the window coverings, turn up the TV volume all night long, and keep her distracted with treats and cuddles.

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Jul 06, 2024 at 10:54
• Sandi

Post 7452

Re: Not a fun 4th of July!!!!!! Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Oh mark, I can't imagine all of the smoke would be very afraid of the wild fires
I wish fireworks were banned here also, they can only purchased and shot off the 3rd and 4th far to long if you asked me. Poor little Emmy i feel so sorry for all if the pets. People just don't understand.
Take care.
Sandi and Ollie, buster Robin and Presley at the bridge

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Biba and Drew
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Jul 06, 2024 at 17:03
(United Kingdom)
Post 19395

Re: Not a fun 4th of July!!!!!! Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Louise and everyone affected ,we are so sorry and we wish Fireworks were banned everywhere let alone the waste of money..far better to put it to the animal rescues  rather than frightening and harming them throughout the world..we hope  Bo Bryce is a little calmer now and that the storms have subsided maybe for you..
Stay safe and know we are thinking of you .
Much Love and Hugs to all Annie Bibsy and Drew xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Jul 07, 2024 at 13:00
Post 1795

Re: Not a fun 4th of July!!!!!! Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Louise sorry the storm power outage and fireworks made for a bad night. Know just how bad it gets with the fireworks. Grady doesn't do well with them at all.I wish they would ban the sell and enforce laws on fireworks. They go nearly all night on july 4th and into three days after the holiday and it's very upsetting.
Hugs Sandra & Master Gradyxox

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Jul 07, 2024 at 16:09
• allen
(New Jersey)

Post 1592

Re: Not a fun 4th of July!!!!!! Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

We are sorry to hear you had such bad storms.

We have had relentless heat above 100 degrees F.

Not too many fireworks around here.

Hope your storms go away.

Love Riley and Allen

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