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Bibsy 1 Mousey 0 Reply to this Message

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Biba and Drew
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Sep 19, 2024 at 12:22
(United Kingdom)
Post 19434

Bibsy 1 Mousey 0 Vote for this post

Yep I gots anuvver mousey in the field..qwik as a fwash I wos and it wos in a big bunch of nettles...Mummy says my nose will be pwickly later doing that..and thats not all..she seds it wos so sad the mousey had gone..she dus not like anyfing going to Rainbow now she says....I seds...Mummy life has to go on wiv a Cairn and rodents have to be contwolled uvverwise they be running the world!...Mummy says thats annuver reason to keep them all!!...go figure these mummy's oot sum times I seds to Drew...
Huggies and kissies fwom Bibsy Drew and Mummy xxxxxxxxx

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