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We just hads fwosty wevver here and update Reply to this Message

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Biba and Drew
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Jan 19, 2024 at 16:54
(United Kingdom)
Post 19281

We just hads fwosty wevver here and update Vote for this post

We just hads fwosty wevver here and the lowest it got one night was -8..that wuds be warm for our fwends here..we gots a storm cuming on Sunday Monday wiv high winds ...we pwefer the snow to come ....Drew just has likkle walks ootside  to stimulate him wiv his coat on and then I go for longer ones wiv mummy but he goes out a lot in the garden  in the week and weekends we go diffewant places in the motor car....Mummy has beens busy and we been in twub getting under her feet in the kitchen this afternoon cos she been cooking and making sum cheese scones...well if bits of cheese do happen to fall on the floor wots a tewwier to do we say!!...I mean it saves mummy hoovering and cleaning it up..then she lost the bwush to put the whisked eggy milk on top of the scones so guess wot?...she used a paintbwush..so now she gots wimbourne white farrow and ball scones ha ha !..then her phone kept ringing from a cottage guest and she gots all pastwy on her hands and more bits were dwopping on the floor,and if that was not enuff she gots a small turkey joint in the ovan which was left fwom Cwistmas ..we nots allowed any though she seds..only a drawing pin size each cos she says it gives Drewboy a liquid botty...Oh Gwoss I say...wots that mummy?...Mummy says I eated foxy do doo's today so I in twub over that as well..she ran oot of time in the end to do any veggies or roast spuddies so she hads to do a curry of the turkey wiv white mice...Oh I weckon I mean rice..anyway all we gots wos a wee bit of rice..we dids get owr pwoper din dins though...Drewboy fed up cos he never gots as many cheese dwoppings as me cos he not quick enuff off the mark as me....I guess he feels cheesed off!!...Thar thar Bro Drew I let yoo have a bit of my bedtime kibbie to make it up to yoo.....well we hopes everybod has a nice weekend and most of all stay warm and safe.
Big Huggies and kissies Bibsy Drew and Mummy xxxxxxxxx

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Deb, Emmie, and Angel Kelsie
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Jan 19, 2024 at 17:13
• Deborah

Post 11440

Re: We just hads fwosty wevver here and update Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Oh bestest, Mommy says her feels your Mummy's pain...always somethin interruptin when her are tryin ta do somethin...Today, dat somethin were me she says! It are snowin again an I are bored, bored an kept makin my "go out" noises when I nots really hab ta go, I jus wanted to go out an see if any mousies or squirrelies were out in da snow! What's a tewwier ta do when her are bored an afraid da vermin will take ober her yard I do ask! Oh, an my poor Drew...not gettin his share a tasty cheesy bits! Bestest, please make sure he gets somethin extra before beddie tanight! Well, my Minkus kitty are lookin out da door so I gots ta see if der's anythin out der or if he's jus as bored as me! Take care an stay warm by da fire! I lubs you bof lots an lots an send kissies fer my Drew an virtual snuggles fer you Bestest!
Lub, bestest friend Emmie Sue (Drew's Girl) an Mommy XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

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Jan 19, 2024 at 19:26
• Sandi

Post 7338

Re: We just hads fwosty wevver here and update Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Hope everyone gets to feeling better. Stay warm and safe from the weather,can't wait for our bitter cold to leave.

Take care.

Sandi and Ollie, buster Robin and Presley at the bridge

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Jan 21, 2024 at 13:29
Post 1675

Re: We just hads fwosty wevver here and update Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Oh no some bad weather coming with winds and storm. Hope it moves fast out of your area. Oh Miss Bibsy....you eat foxy doodles? Oh mmmmyyyy. Go for all the cheese droppings you can gather than those foxy raisins.
We hope that this weekend the cottages don't keep your mommy too busy and you and Drew buddy get some fun games inside and treat ball hide and seek action. 
Lots a kisses and snuggles to you my Bibaxoxoxox Master Gradyxox

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